kevin-buttercoin / KeenClient-PHP

Official PHP client for the Keen IO API. Build analytics features directly into your PHP apps.

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Keen IO PHP Library

The Keen IO API lets developers build analytics features directly into their apps.

Build Status

Installation with Composer

$ php composer.phar require keen-io/keen-io:~2.1

For composer documentation, please refer to

Integrated Frameworks

For easier usage, we provide official integration for the following frameworks:


Please review the change log ( ) before upgrading!


This client was built using Guzzle, a PHP HTTP client & framework for building RESTful web service clients.

When you first create a new KeenIOClient instance you can pass configuration settings like your Project ID and API Keys in an array to the factory method. These are optional and can be later specified through Setter methods.

For certain API Resources, the Master API Key is required and can also be passed to the factory method in the configuration array. Please read the Security Documentation regarding this Master API key.

For Requests, the KeenIOClient will determine what API Key should be passed based on the type of Request and configuration in the Service Description. The API Key is passed in the Authorization header of the request.

For a list of required and available parameters for the different API Endpoints, please consult the Keen IO API Reference Docs.

Configuring the Client

The factory method accepts an array of configuration settings for the Keen IO Webservice Client.

Setting Property Name Description
Project ID projectId The Keen IO Project ID for your specific project
Master API Key masterKey The Keen IO Master API Key - the one API key to rule them all
Read API Key readKey The Read API Key - used for access to read only GET or HEAD operations of the API
Write API Key writeKey The Write API Key - used for write PUT or POST Requests operations of the API
API Version version The API Version. Currently used to version the API URL and Service Description

When passing version to the factory method or using the setVersion() method, the Client will try to load a client Service Description that matches that version. That Service Description defines the operations available to the Webservice Client.

Currently the Keen IO Webservice Client only supports - and automatically defaults - to the current version (3.0) of the API.

use KeenIO\Client\KeenIOClient;

$client = KeenIOClient::factory([
    'projectId' => $projectId,
    'writeKey'  => $writeKey,
    'readKey'   => $readKey

Configuration can be updated to reuse the same Client:

You can reconfigure the Keen IO Client configuration options through available getters and setters. You can get and set the following options: projectId, readKey, writeKey, masterKey, & version.

//Get the current Project Id

//Set a new Project Id

//Get the current Read Key

//Set a new Read Key
$newReadKey = $client->createScopedKey($filters, $allowedOperations);

####Send an event to Keen - (Changed in 2.0!) Once you've created a KeenIOClient, sending events is simple:


$event = ['purchase' => ['item' => 'Golden Elephant']];

$client->addEvent('purchases', $event);

Send batched events to Keen - (Changed in 2.0!)

You can upload multiple Events to multiple Event Collections at once!

In the example below, we will create two new purchase events in the purchases event collection and a single new event in the sign_ups event collection. Note that the keys of the data array specify the event_collection where those events should be stored.

$purchases = [
    ['purchase' => ['item' => 'Golden Elephant']],
    ['purchase' => ['item' => 'Magenta Elephant']]
$signUps = [
    ['name' => 'foo', 'email' => '']

$client->addEvents(['purchases' => $purchases, 'sign_ups' => $signUps]);

Get Analysis on Events

All Analysis Endpoints should be supported. See the API Reference Docs for required parameters. You can also check the Service Description for configured API Endpoints.

Below are a few example calls to some of the Analysis methods available.

Note: Once the API acknowledges that your event has been stored, it may take up to 10 seconds before it will appear in query results.

$totalPurchases = $client->count('purchases');

//Count Unqiue
$totalItems = $client->countUnique('purchases', ['target_property' => 'purchase.item']);

//Select Unique
$items = $client->selectUnique('purchases', ['target_property' => 'purchase.item']);

//Multi Analysis
$analyses = [
    'clicks'        => ['analysis_type' => 'count'],
    'average price' => ['analysis_type' => 'average', 'target_property' => 'purchase.price']
$stats = $client->multiAnalysis('purchases', ['analyses' => $analyses]);

//Using Filters in your Analysis
$filters = [
    ['property_name' => 'item.price', 'operator' => 'gt', 'property_value' => 10]

$client->count('purchases', ['filters' => $filters]);

Create a Scoped Key

Scoped keys allow you to secure the requests to the API Endpoints and are especially useful when you are providing access to multiple clients or applications. You should read the Keen IO docs concerning Scoped Keys for more details.


$filter = [
    'property_name'  => 'user_id',
    'operator'       => 'eq',
    'property_value' => '123'

$filters = [$filter];
$allowedOperations = ['read'];

$scopedKey = $client->createScopedKey($filters, $allowedOperations);

Questions & Support

If you have any questions, bugs, or suggestions, please report them via Github Issues. Or, come chat with us anytime at We'd love to hear your feedback and ideas!


This is an open source project and we love involvement from the community! Hit us up with pull requests and issues.


Official PHP client for the Keen IO API. Build analytics features directly into your PHP apps.