kerner1000 / javafx-chart-zooming

JavaFX chart zooming. (No, not just chart *scaling*)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Zooming is not working correctly when chart is inside another pane

kerner1000 opened this issue · comments

Probably the wrong background is used (the root parent instead of the chart parent) to calculate zoom-boundaries.

There is a way to make it work well in this case or not ? Your zoom is so great and I need it in a project, then if there is a solution tell me :)

Pull requests are welcome! :)

Updating line 313 as shown below worked for me. Thanks!
final Bounds bb = chartBackground.parentToLocal(rect.getBoundsInParent());

Thanks, Zoom is perfect !!, Any new version planned with above change. As i have the same issue.