kentcdodds / cross-env

πŸ”€ Cross platform setting of environment scripts

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Precommit hook for `.all-contributorsrc` fails on Windows because of space in path to node binary

iki opened this issue Β· comments

  • cross-env version: master
  • node version: 9.4.0
  • npm (or yarn) version: 5.6.0
  • os: Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.15063]

What you did:

git checkout
cd cross-env
npm install
npm run validate
node_modules\.bin\all-contributors.cmd # npm run add-contributor didn't work see #168
git add .all-contributorsrc
git commit -m "docs(README): add contributor"

See #168

What happened:

husky > npm run -s precommit (node v9.4.0)

25l[08:46:38] Running tasks for **/*.+(js|json|less|css|ts) [started]
[08:46:38] Running tasks for .all-contributorsrc [started]
[08:46:38] Running tasks for **/*.+(js|json|less|css|ts) [skipped]
[08:46:38] β†’ No staged files match **/*.+(js|json|less|css|ts)
[08:46:38] C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe C:\Users\iki\code\cross-env\node_modules\kcd-scripts\dist\index.js contribut
ors generate [started]
[08:46:38] C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe C:\Users\iki\code\cross-env\node_modules\kcd-scripts\dist\index.js contribut
ors generate [failed]
[08:46:38] β†’ C:\Program could not be found. Try `npm install C:\Program`.
[08:46:38] Running tasks for .all-contributorsrc [failed]
[08:46:38] β†’ C:\Program could not be found. Try `npm install C:\Program`.
25hC:\Program could not be found. Try `npm install C:\Program`.
husky > pre-commit hook failed (add --no-verify to bypass)```

Reproduction repository:

Problem description: The precommit hook for .all-contributorsrc fails on Windows, because it does not quote path to node binary and fails when there's space in the path.

Suggested solution: Quote path to node binary properly.

Ah, yes, this is a problem in kcd-scripts and should definitely be fixed. Thanks for the report!

Actually, I think this is a problem in lint-staged πŸ€”

Could you try this? Make a change to the .all-contributorsrc file (any change at all, doesn't matter), then run:

cmd /C "set DEBUG=lint-staged:* && git commit -am stuff"

This will print out a bunch of debug information. Paste all the output here. Thanks!

@kentcdodds I set DEBUG=lint-staged:*, updated .all-contributorsrc and run git commit -am stuff, but got exactly the same result as above, no other messages were printed. The same with DEBUG=*. Is there anything else I can try?

Thanks for digging! I'm not sure why that didn't work! You might consider diving into your node_modules and adding some console.logs in places to figure out what's going on. I'm not sure what the problem is and without a windows machine it's hard for me to do much digging :-/

Good luck! And thanks again for anything you can help with!