kensho-technologies / orama

Plug and play React charts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tooltip offset from position

georgesboris opened this issue · comments

I've encountered a problem but I'm still trying to reproduce it outside my app.
My chart is inside several containers with fixed > absolute positions.
It's tooltip is being offset by the chart's relative parent 'left' position.
I tried studying the TooltipWrapper component but couldn't figure the problem that easily.
I'll continue trying to reproduce the problem in and place the link here when I'm done.

The TooltipWrapper use position: fixed;; with the top and left styles set to the mouse x and y. But maybe there's a combination of css containers that can make that setup unreliable. Let me know if you manage to reproduce the problem!

Just so you know that something is indeed going on.

captura de tela 2017-06-13 as 4 13 38 pm

I'm checking it out.

FWIW, position: fixed will use a transformed ancestor as the viewport instead of the browser window. As of this comment it is intended behavior and the corresponding bug report in chromium has a Won'tFix status.
