kelvinokumba / Flatabeer


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Today you'll be building an app for viewing and editing beers. You will be using a local API and building out the frontend for our app, FlataBeer.


Use this gif as an example of how the app should work.

demo gif

To view in VSCode, right click on the file and select "Open Preview".


Run this command to get the backend started:


Test your server by visiting this route in the browser:


Then, open the index.html file on your browser to run the application.

Write your code in the src/index.js file. The base URL for your API will be http://localhost:3000.


As a user, I can:

  1. See the first beer's details, including its name, image, description, and reviews, when the page loads. You will need to make a GET request to the following endpoint to retrieve the beer data, along with its associated reviews:

    GET /beers/1
    Example Response:
       "id": 1,
       "name": "Oh So Flattening",
       "description": "A light, crisp and bitter IPA brewed with English and American hops. A small batch brewed only once.",
       "image_url": "",
       "reviews": [
         "It's flat! Just the way I like it!!",
         "Is this the real beer, is this just fantasy?",
         "I've always hated bubbles going up my nose, so this is absolutely delightful.",
         "Flat straight out of the bottle! No more waiting for the fizziness to subside. Thank you FlattaBeer!! I love you!!!"
  2. See a menu of all beers in the <nav> element on the left side of the page when the page loads. You will need to make a GET request to the following endpoint to retrieve the beer data:

    GET /beers
    Example response:
         "id": 1,
         "name": "Oh So Flattening",
         "description": "A light, crisp and bitter IPA brewed with English and American hops. A small batch brewed only once.",
         "image_url": "",
         "reviews": [
           "It's flat! Just the way I like it!!",
           "Is this the real beer, is this just fantasy?",
           "I've always hated bubbles going up my nose, so this is absolutely delightful.",
           "Flat straight out of the bottle! No more waiting for the fizziness to subside. Thank you FlattaBeer!! I love you!!!"
         "id": 2,
         "name": "Pilsen Lager",
         "description": "Our Unleash the Yeast series was an epic experiment into the differences in aroma and flavour provided by switching up your yeast. We brewed up a wort with a light caramel note and some toasty biscuit flavour, and hopped it with Amarillo and Centennial for a citrusy bitterness. Everything else is down to the yeast. Pilsner yeast ferments with no fruity esters or spicy phenols, although it can add a hint of butterscotch.",
         "image_url": "",
         "reviews": [
           "Spicy crab cakes, say what?!",
           "My mum hates it"
  3. Add a new review to the page when the review form is submitted. No persistence is needed.

Bonus Deliverables

These bonus deliverables are here if you want an extra challenge and won't affect your score. Make sure to commit your work to save your progress before attempting the bonus deliverables!

  1. Remove a review from the page when it is clicked. (Note: no persistence is needed; it's fine if the review shows up again when the page is refreshed)

  2. Click a beer in the <nav> element on the left side of the page and have that beer's details displayed in the main section of the page, replacing the beer that is currently being displayed. Note that you may have to make an additional GET request to access the beer's details.

Extra Bonus

These extra bonus deliverables involve using fetch to update data on the json-server backend by using POST, PATCH, and DELETE requests. These are meant for an extra, extra challenge and won't affect your grade. Make sure to commit your work to save your progress before attempting the extra bonus deliverables!

  1. When the review form is submitted, the review should be saved on the server in addition to being displayed in the list of reviews. You will need to make a request that follows this structure. Note that the body must contain an array of all reviews for the beer, including your newly added review.

    PATCH /beers/:id
    Request Headers: {
      Content-Type: application/json
    Request Body: {
      "reviews": [
         "old review",
         "new review"
    Example response:
       "id": 1,
       "name": "Oh So Flattening",
       "description": "A light, crisp and bitter IPA brewed with English and American hops. A small batch brewed only once.",
       "image_url": "",
       "reviews": [
         "old review",
         "new review"
  2. When the description form is submitted, the beer's description should be updated on the server in addition to being updated on the page. You will need to make a request that follows this structure:

    PATCH /beers/:id
    Request Headers: {
      Content-Type: application/json
    Request Body: {
      "description": "new description"
    Example response:
       "id": 1,
       "name": "Oh So Flattening",
       "description": "new description",
       "image_url": "",
       "reviews": [
         "old review",
         "new review"





Language:JavaScript 54.6%Language:HTML 23.8%Language:CSS 21.7%