kelseyhightower / scheduler

Toy Kubernetes Scheduler

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

have not scheduler.go

BlueYuQuan opened this issue · comments

have not scheduler.go

go run bestprice.go


./bestprice.go:20: undefined: Node
./bestprice.go:22: undefined: Node
go run kubernetes.go


./kubernetes.go:39: undefined: Event
./kubernetes.go:70: undefined: NodeList
./kubernetes.go:71: undefined: NodeList
./kubernetes.go:97: undefined: Pod
./kubernetes.go:150: undefined: Pod
./kubernetes.go:187: undefined: PodList
./kubernetes.go:221: undefined: Node
./kubernetes.go:221: undefined: Pod
./kubernetes.go:311: undefined: Pod
./kubernetes.go:311: undefined: Node
./kubernetes.go:71: too many errors

go run main.go


./main.go:33: undefined: monitorUnscheduledPods
./main.go:36: undefined: reconcileUnscheduledPods

go run types.go


runtime.main: call to external function main.main
runtime.main: main.main: not defined
runtime.main: undefined: main.main

go run processor.go


./processor.go:42: undefined: watchUnscheduledPods
./processor.go:64: undefined: Pod
./processor.go:65: undefined: fit
./processor.go:72: undefined: bestPrice
./processor.go:76: undefined: bind
./processor.go:86: undefined: getUnscheduledPods

have not scheduler.go
same problems

I am having this same issue. What do you mean when you say "Run the best price scheduler"? There is no scheduler.go and like @BlueYuQuan stated above it go run bestprice.go returns the error:
# command-line-arguments
./bestprice.go:20:24: undefined: Node
./bestprice.go:22:9: undefined: Node
Could you please clarify?


sh ./build

This builds the scheduler binary:

ls -l scheduler
-rwxr-xr-x  1 neo  staff  7261468 Sep 20 22:48 scheduler

then run the scheduler (while kubectl proxy is running):

2019/09/20 22:48:40 Starting custom scheduler...

The nginx pod will be created and started.