keijiro / KlakNDI

NDI® plugin for Unity

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Editor/Windows Firewall issue

starlprd opened this issue · comments

When running the project on the editor or Windows platform, a white screen appears. However, after building the project for Android, it works fine without any issues. Even after disabling the firewall, the problem persists, and there are no error messages displayed - only the white screen. Currently, I am running an NDI stream on a Linux PC using NDI-Python and streaming it to Windows 64-bit.

When the firewall is turned off, no sources are displayed. However, when we enable the inbound rule on the firewall, sources are displayed but a white screen appears after acquiring the sources. If we disable the inbound rule for the Unity editor, the feed starts within 10-15 seconds. This situation is making me feel paranoid, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could suggest a solution. Thank you in advance.

How about other NDI apps? Do they work as intended under the same condition?

through NDI apps i see the name but no camera feed

tried same with Linux build no feed. Also i have tried a sender build and receiver build on two different Linux as well as 2 different windows pc both of these cases same result no feed. It is showing the game view feed if i use both app in same pc one build and one editor. Do we need some kind of special setting in router or something?

Do we need some kind of special setting in router or something?


How about connecting your computers without a router? (Directly connecting them with a single ethernet cable)

Just tried that connected both pc with an ethernet cable Result: case one keeping WIFI connected and case 2 turned off WIFI ,both didn't worked. Same no camera feed data

That should work. Are they connected correctly? How about pinging them each other?

Hello i have tested multiple cases with same ping with my windows to linux was not working but afterward i tried with linux to linux ping and it was working. so i did unity setup on one of the linux and built a app from there to test for NDI but it was showing similar result as before

if you could please try replicating this.
for NDI sender am using from linux PC, and for receiver using windows (Unity editor).
Just trying to receive data. Let me know if you could.
Thank you.

Hello @keijiro any lead on the same i have tried bunch of things to try and solve this but no luck. It is still only working on android and quest 2 but not on windows or linux. i have also tried same on windows 10 as well but same problem.


When the firewall is turned off, no sources are displayed. However, when we enable the inbound rule on the firewall, sources are displayed but a white screen appears after acquiring the sources. If we disable the inbound rule for the Unity editor, the feed starts within 10-15 seconds. This situation is making me feel paranoid, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could suggest a solution. Thank you in advance.

@starlprd this doesn’t make much sense… If you have a program, call it “A”, and you disable all your firewalls,

  • private
  • domain
  • public

You will be allowing all incoming connections… Here's a simple way to think about it:

  • Firewall On + No Inbound Rule for Program A = Program A is blocked.
  • Firewall Off = All programs, including Program A, are allowed to receive incoming connections (unless blocked by some other security software or mechanism).

There are some other factors that can also affect whether the message is successfully received… Unity might have its own settings that affect incoming network traffic, or there could be other security software on the PC that blocks the message. That doesn’t seem to generally be the case tho.

@starlprd could you give some more info on what you mean by

If you could please try replicating this.
for NDI sender am using from linux PC, and for receiver using windows (Unity editor).
Just trying to receive data. Let me know if you could.
Thank you.

In conjunction with

It is still only working on android and quest 2 but not on windows or linux. i have also tried same on windows 10 as well but same problem.

It seems to me that you’re expecting your desktop to send a stream to your device, rather than your devices streaming to your desktop….

@gblikas Hello, I will explain what i was trying to do in short i was using on PC-1 which is running ubuntu and it is publishing the webcam feed through NDI publisher. PC-2 which is running Unity editor/windows standalone app is trying to get that NDI feed using KlakNDI. Also just to mention i have tried exact same thing changing PC-2 with android as well as quest which seems to be working with same setup without any problem.
As for the firewall thing I don't have much experience in that, I find it weird as well, at first it was not showing any sources or feed. I had put in almost 10-20 Hours in it to work and thats the best i could find. And it was mentioned because even if it doesn't make sense to me it might for someone else.

Also thanks for the reply if you have any more question about my setup please ask. It is still not solved so it will be helpful if you have any insights.


As for the firewall thing I don't have much experience in that, I find it weird as well, at first it was not showing any sources or feed.

@starlprd please make sure that both your computers are on the same (physical) network, and that you have disabled all firewalls (private, domain, public) only for the purpose of testing connectivity. If you’re using a physical network, make sure both Ethernet jacks are connect to the same router/modem. If you’re using WiFi, please make sure you’re on the same network.

If this issue still persists, message back and provide a video of your setup labeled with which PC, as well as any steps you took to get the projects up, and the order in which you turned on what devices. We can take next steps from there.

@gblikas i can confirm that both devices were on same network with firewall disabled(private,domain,public) on windows/editor end. Also i had tried ping and it was working so connection was stable.
It might take me a while but i will send videos of both transmitter and receiver PC with steps i have followed soon.


@gblikas i can confirm that both devices were on same network with firewall disabled(private,domain,public) on windows/editor end. Also i had tried ping and it was working so connection was stable.
It might take me a while but i will send videos of both transmitter and receiver PC with steps i have followed soon.

@starlprd got those videos?