keepevets / threejshand

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JS Rigged Hand Plugin

This allows a Leap-Enabled hand to be added to any Three.JS scene. Requires LeapJS Skeletal 0.4.2 or greater with LeapJS-Plugins 0.1.3 or greater.


Automatically adds or removes hand meshes to/from the scene as they come in to or out of view of the leap controller.



# simplest possible usage, see `quickstart.html`
(window.controller = new Leap.Controller)

This will create a canvas with fixed position which covers the entire screen. A neat trick is to allow pointer-events to pass through the canvas with one CSS rule, so that you can interact with your page like normal.

  pointer-events: none;


# advanced configuration, see `index.html` and ``
(window.controller = new Leap.Controller)
  # handHold and handEntry are dependencies of this plugin, available to the controller through leap-plugins.js
  # By default rigged-hand will use these, but we can call explicitly to provide configuration:
  .use('handHold', {})
  .use('handEntry', {})
  .use('riggedHand', {
    parent: scene

    # this is called on every animationFrame 
    renderFn: ->
      renderer.render(scene, camera)
      # Here we update the camera controls for clicking and rotating

    # These options are merged with the material options hash
    # Any valid Three.js material options are valid here.
    materialOptions: {
      wireframe: true
    geometryOptions: {}

    # This will show pink dots at the raw position of every leap joint.
    # they will be slightly offset from the rig shape, due to it having slightly different proportions.
    dotsMode: true

    # Sets the default position offset from the parent/scene. Default of new THREE.Vector3(0,-10,0)
    offset: new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0)

    # sets the scale of the mesh in the scene.  The default scale works with a camera of distance ~15.
    scale: 1.5

    # Allows hand movement to be scaled independently of hand size.
    # With a value of 2, the hand will cover twice the distance on screen as it does in the world.
    positionScale: 2

    # allows 2d text to be attached to joint positions on the screen
    # Labels are by default white text with a black dropshadow
    # this method is called for every bone on each frame
    # boneMeshes are named Finger_xx, where the first digit is the finger number, and the second the bone, 0 indexed.
    boneLabels: (boneMesh, leapHand)->

    # allows individual bones to be colorized
    # Here we turn thumb and index finger blue while pinching
    # this method is called for every bone on each frame
    # should return an object with hue, saturation, and an optional lightness ranging from 0 to 1
    # [setHSL]
    boneColors: (boneMesh, leapHand)->
      if ('Finger_0') == 0) || ('Finger_1') == 0)
        return {
          hue: 0.6,
          saturation: leapHand.pinchStrength

    # This will add a warning message to the page on browsers which do not support WebGL or do not have it enabled.
    # By default, this will be used unless a `parent` scene is passed in.
    # This uses @mrdoob's Detector.js
    # Chrome, Firefox, Safari Developer mode, and IE11 all support WebGL.
    checkWebGL: true


Note that the size of this file is quite large, as it includes left and right hand models. It is recommended that you include the files from our CDN, as that will encourage browser caching and ensure the assets are gzipped from 845KB to 348KB before sending.

Scope objects

Certain objects are made available on the plugin scope. This is the same "options" object which is passed in to use.

scope = controller.plugins.riggedHand; # THREE.js camera

scope.scene # THREE.js camera

scope.Detector # Can be used to detect webgl availability through `if !!Detector.webgl`

There are many which are currently undocumented. Inspect the object manually to discover.


riggedHand.meshAdded and riggedHand.meshRemoved are available. These may be useful to customize behaviors of the hand or change defaults. By default, material.opacity == 0.7, material.depthTest == true, and handMesh.castShadow == true, but these could be customized in the event callback.

controller.on('riggedHand.meshAdded', function(handMesh, leapHand){
  handMesh.material.opacity = 1;

Scene Position

handMesh.scenePosition(leapPosition, scenePosition) can be used to convert coordinates from Leap Space to THREE scene space. leapPosition should be an array [x,y,z] as found on Leap frames, scenePosition should be a THREE.Vector3 which will be edited in-place.


sphere = new THREE.Mesh(
  new THREE.SphereGeometry(1),
  new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial(0x0000ff)

controller.on 'frame', (frame)->
  if hand = frame.hands[0]
    handMesh = frame.hands[0].data('riggedHand.mesh')

    handMesh.scenePosition(hand.indexFinger.tipPosition, sphere.position)

Screen Position

When a hand is on the screen, that hand will be available to your application (such as in a plugin or on 'frame' callback) through frame.hands[index].data('riggedHand.mesh'). This will be the Three.js mesh, as is.

To get the css window coordinates of anything in leap-space, use the handMesh.screenPosition method, as seen in The number returned will be distance from the bottom left corner of the WebGL canvas.

Note that if a custom scene is passed in, scope.renderer must also be passed in/set.

controller.on 'frame', (frame)->
  if hand = frame.hands[0]
    handMesh = frame.hands[0].data('riggedHand.mesh')
    # to use screenPosition, we pass in any leap vector3 and the camera
    screenPosition = handMesh.screenPosition(
    ) = screenPosition.x = screenPosition.y


Open an issue!


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 53.1%Language:CoffeeScript 42.4%Language:HTML 4.5%