keeferrourke / la-capitaine-icon-theme

La Capitaine is an icon pack designed to integrate with most desktop environments. The set of icons takes inspiration from the latest iterations of macOS and Google's Material Design.

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[Question] Database icon not added?

marchingon12 opened this issue · comments


Are .db icons not included? If they aren't, then I'd like to request for them :D

Can you provide the mimetype of these files for me? That way I will know what to call the icon.

You can get this information from the output of the file --mime-type test.db terminal command, or by showing the advanced properties of the file in your GUI file manager.

I apologize for the very late reply. This is the output from file --mime-type test.db:

test.db: application-x-sqlite3


@marchingon12 how did you install La Capitaine? Sqlite3 databases should have a mimetype icon already (see here and here).

Well that is indeed strange. I installed La-Capitaine via System Settings on KDE Plasma, which I suppose is from


I noticed there were some strange differences:

Breeze default:
The icon shows a dolphin instead of a feather.

Hmm, maybe I'll cut a new release and update the open-desktop tarball :)