keeferrourke / capitaine-cursors

An x-cursor theme inspired by macOS and based on KDE Breeze. Designed to pair well with my icon pack, La Capitaine.

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Fedora/EPEL packaging issues

MrPointer opened this issue · comments

After upgrading to the latest version from the tcg copr repo (full system spec given below) and re-enabling the cursor using gnome-tweaks, the session immediately crashes and logs out.
After that, I'm not able to log in again, unless I disable the cursors from a classic GNOME session.
Restarting the system also didn't help.
However, reverting back to version 3.5 solves the issue.

I also should mention that I have some custom themes installed:

I also have some gnome extensions enabled, but I'll list them only if you'd ask.

System specs

Computer Type: Laptop
Laptop Model: Dell XPS 13 9380
OS: Fedora 31
GNOME: Version 3.34.3
Kernel: Linux version 5.4.17-200.fc31.x86_64 ( (gcc version 9.2.1 20190827 (Red Hat 9.2.1-1) (GCC)) #1 SMP Sat Feb 1 19:00:13 UTC 2020

That is... unexpected. How did you install the cursors?

I built and tested them on my Fedora 31 machine, and have not experienced any crashes.

Can you attach a crash log?

I tried installing now directly from the pling package, and apparently it worked just fine.
Before that though, I've installed it through the tcg copr repo as mentioned in the issue.

I can try and attach a crash log if you'd like, but how can I do that?

I've installed it through the tcg copr repo as mentioned in the issue.

Heh. My bad, hadn't had a coffee yet when I read this 😓

I don't own the tcg copr repo, so can't officially support it. Maybe try filing an issue with @LaurentTreguier here?

I can try and attach a crash log if you'd like, but how can I do that?

IIRC Gnome's bug reporter should catch the crash and show a log in its GUI?
I'll leave this bug open for now though and try to reproduce the crash on my Fedora machine.

I probably missed some changes in the build process since version 3. I'll go check and get back to this issue

Although it's not crashing GNOME for me (3.34.4 on Fedora 31), it shows an ugly default X11 cursor, so it's definitely broken

I can see those 3 error messages during the build:

  • Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
  • Cannot parse integer value ?60.0? for -w (with either 60.0 or some other values)
  • PNG error while reading x1.5/{image name}.png!

Do you have any idea what could cause them ? Fedora is packaging the beta version of Inkscape 1.0.0, which probably has some breaking changes compared to 0.92 (or whichever version is the current stable)

Definitely an error in the on master. Working on a fix right now!

@LaurentTreguier merged the fix. Should be able to build using either inkscape 0.9x or 1.0.x now.

For your package, you probably want to build the biggest versions:

./ -d xxxhd
./ -d xxxhd -t light

Thanks! I just tried to build the latest commit, but my Fedora is acting up and started freezing when starting a container to build the package, so there might be a few days before this is fixed in my COPR repo

So, I've managed to build the package without Fedora freezing, and the latest commit seems to fix it, the cursor shows up normally. I've launched a new build in COPR, which should be finished soon enough

@LaurentTreguier Great, I'll test it tomorrow then and update if it works

Update: @LaurentTreguier Have you renamed the package? dnf only seems to find the 3-5 version... I tried both explicitly and implicitly

I haven't renamed the package.
I've never put out a 3-5 version as far as I remember, is that package really coming from my COPR ?

Huh, interesting... it seems that updates also contains this package, and it's probably what I've installed from the beginning 😆

However, I see now that there's a 4-2 version as well - What's the difference and should I install it?

Interesting indeed. Both la-capitaine-icon-theme and la-capitaine-cursor-theme are officially available in Fedora now. For the cursors, 3-5 is actually the first version to have been published.
The latest version I have put out is 4-2.20200223, this should be a functional one

Huh. News to me! lol

@LaurentTreguier I'm probably misusing dnf, but when I try to explicitly install the package, i.e.
sudo dnf install la-capitaine-cursor-theme-4-2.20200223.fc31 - I get the following message:

All matches were filtered out by exclude filtering for argument:

Googling it didn't help either, I haven't found any helpful resource. Any help?

BTW, trying to install the general la-capitaine-cursor-theme results in the 3-5 version supplied by the updated repo to be listed for installation

Does manually refreshing the repos with sudo dnf distro-sync --refresh help ?

That's strange. Have you tried removing and re-enabling the repo ? I know this sounds stupid, but the "turn it off and on again" solution actually tands to work out more often than it should.
Other than this, I have no idea what could be the problem. I haven't done anything special when updating the package

The same result, unfortunately... I honestly don't know what went wrong on my behalf
Strangely enough, the la-capitaine-icon-theme package is detected successfully and can be installed flawlessly

(From #43 (comment))

Cannot parse integer value ?60.0? for -w

FWIW, I can get rid of such warnings by forcing integers from bc:

--- a/	2022-10-18 00:54:24.319840199 +0800
+++ b/	2022-10-18 00:54:33.839454372 +0800
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
 function render {
-  size=$(echo "$SVG_DIM*$1" | bc)
-  dpi=$(echo "$SVG_DPI*$1" | bc)
+  size=$(echo "$SVG_DIM*$1/1" | bc)
+  dpi=$(echo "$SVG_DPI*$1/1" | bc)
   mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR/$variant/$name"
   find "$SRC/svg/$variant" -name "*.svg" -type f \

The trick is inspired by