KEcoding / cognitive-battery

Battery of standard cognitive psychology tasks

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Requirements | Usage | Included Tasks | Contribution | Getting Help | TODO | Changelog

Cognitive Battery

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A Python based battery of common cognitive psychology tasks. Designed to be modular as each task is contained within a single Python script/module, the results of which are returned as a dataframe for saving.

Pull requests are welcome! Please see the contribution notes below.

Battery loading screen Mental rotation task screenshot

The battery was originally designed for a resolution of 1280x1024, but it should work with most resolutions.

Some tasks contain copyrighted images (e.g. Mental Rotations Task, Raven's Progressive Matrices) that I cannot include in this repo. In case you have access to the original images, I have included an explanation of how to name/format those items to work with this battery.

Note: I created this project as I needed to get some tasks up and running quickly for an experiment. Everything is fully functional as it stands, but I will be refactoring much of the code over time to clean things up. This will include things like code reduction, better handling of different screen resolutions, and improved logic.


Current, and future, versions of the battery use Python 3. Python 2 users can still run v2 of the battery, but will no longer be maintained. Cognitive Battery v3 may still be runnable under Python 2, however, it's not tested or supported, so use at your own risk.

You will need to have the following dependencies installed to run the battery, most of which are just Python modules:

  • Windows 7+
    • This battery may work on OSX and Linux, but has only been tested on Windows so far.
  • Python 3.x
    • The easiest way to install Python is using the Anaconda distribution as it also includes most of the other dependencies listed below
    • Older versions of the battery (v1-2) are still runnable using Python 2.
  • Pandas
    • Included with Anaconda. Otherwise, install using pip (pip install pandas)
  • Numpy
    • Included with Anaconda. Otherwise, install using pip (pip install numpy)
  • PyQt5
    • Included with Anaconda. Alternatively, full release (including QT designer) downloadable from the PyQT website
    • Note: Cognitive Battery version 1.x uses PyQt4. However, version 2.x onwards uses PyQt5
  • Pygame
    • Install using pip (pip install pygame)
    • Alternatively, downloadable from the Pygame website


Using the battery is as simple as running the file. This can either be done using the command line (navigate to the directory and type python, or running it from IDLE.

In the project manager, add a new bookmark indicating the project name and a path to your desired save directory for that project. Adding or deleting a bookmark does not change any files on the filesystem, it's merely a reference to a directory for where data files and settings should be saved for that project. It's safe to delete a project bookmark as it will not delete any currently existing data.

On the task selection screen, all sections are currently mandatory, although some may be irrelevant for your particular experiment. You can place arbitrary values in the irrelevant fields.

Select the tasks you want to include by using the checkboxes. The order of task administration can be set using the Up and Down buttons. Alternatively, you can set a random order using the checkbox.

The task results are saved in the /data directory of your project directory (specified in the project manager). Each participant's data is saved as an Excel file, where each task is saved to a separate sheet.

If you want to reset the settings for a particular project, delete the battery_settings.ini file in the project's directory. A new (default) one will be created when you next load that project.

Included Tasks

Information about the tasks can be found here.

Currently implemented tasks:


Note: I intend to majorly streamline this process in future releases, hopefully automating the importing/running/saving of tasks.

Each new task you want to add will need to be programmed as a Python module.

Create a class in the module that contains a run() method. This method should contain the main sequence of your task and needs to return a Pandas dataframe object. Your class should also accept a pygame screen and background object.

An instance of the class is spawned in, near the end of the start() method. Your class's run() method is invoked after, and the returned dataframe is saved to file.

You'll then need to update the QT Designer UI file (/designer/ui/battery_window_qt.ui) by adding your task to the list. Rebuild using the included convertUI.bat script.

Note: It is better to modify the UI file using QT Designer and then rebuild, rather than directly editing the generated Python file (, because:

  • Your changes will be included in the UI file in case anyone wants to use QT Designer to make changes later
  • Any changes you make will be lost whenever anyone builds from the UI file

In summary:

  1. Program a separate .py module for your task
  2. Include a run() method in your class that contains your task sequence and returns a Pandas dataframe
  3. Import this module in
  4. Spawn a new instance of your class in in the start() method
  5. Invoke your run() method and save the returned dataframe to a file
  6. Update the QT Designer UI file and rebuild using the conversion script

Consider making a pull request and please include a journal reference for any new tasks you add.

Getting Help

You're encouraged to post questions as an issue in this repo, or get live help on Gitter.


In no particular order...


  • Create an analysis tool for summarizing/aggregating participant data for the different battery tasks. The goal is to output summary data that is ready for statistics
  • Compile an executable binary version of the entire battery
    • This will make it possible run the battery without dealing with Python module installation
  • Cross-platform support (OSX and Debian based GNU/Linux)
  • Major code cleanup across the board


  • Improve support for different screen resolutions
  • Streamline the process of adding new tasks
    • Automatically import all task modules
    • Automatically handle task running/saving
    • No longer need to edit the main battery file to add your own tasks
  • Save subject data to non-proprietary file format instead of Excel
    • Likely to be CSV, but open to suggestions
  • Add more tasks...


You can view the change log/release notes here


Battery of standard cognitive psychology tasks

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.9%Language:Batchfile 0.1%