researcher license
Marsenrage opened this issue · comments
I have a researcher license and can download spectrum. How can i sent it to you?
Could you do me the favour of scanning the same material twice?
- With the app, providing me with the spectrum from the researcher license
- On a Linux computer, like this:
Connect the SCIO to your computer through USB. Turn it on. Go to the console, and type:
cat /dev/ttyACM0 | hexdump -C > "SCIO-scan.txt"
in another console then type the following to scan:
echo -n -e "\x01\xba\x02\x00\x00" > /dev/ttyACM0
After scanning, hit Ctrl+C in the first console to stop logging to the file, and please send me that file. That would be very helpful. Thank you
And please let me know if you didn't receive my e-mail address...
did you get the file yet?
Hi, thanks all for the support. Since I found both the raw data and the resulting spectral data sent back from the SCiO server to a log file, we have even better information then what I asked for here.
Please check the "01_rawdata/log_files" folder, where all the information is available in the log files of the app and help me crack this!