kcyt / IntegratedPIFu

Official Implementation of IntegratedPIFu (ECCV 2022)

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Is there any convenient way that I can color my own generated character model?

Gloria-xhy opened this issue · comments

Thanks for your apealling work,sir.The character model being generated has beyond my preliminary imagination.It certainly will be way more better if I am capable of coloring it.
**So I wanna ask that is there any convenient way that I can color my own generated character model or get the model texture and apply to it?**I would be very grateful if you could answer.Thanks


In the code for "train_integratedPIFu.py", we have the following:
color = index(image_tensor, uv).detach().cpu().numpy()[0].T
color = color * 0.5 + 0.5
save_obj_mesh_with_color(save_path, verts, faces, color)
that projects a RGB image's colors onto the generated mesh.

The RGB image is front view of a human subject. If you can train a model to predict the back view of the human subject, you can use similar code (as above) to 'color' the generated mesh.

Another more established way of coloring a mesh is shown in PIFu (https://github.com/shunsukesaito/PIFu), where they use PIFu for texture prediction.