kbss-cvut / bpmn2stamp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Generate help from CLI

blcham opened this issue · comments

When script is run without parameters or with bad parameters or with --help, information about parameters should be shown. It should return similar input as following bash script:

if [ $# -lt 4 ];
        echo "ERROR: all 4 parameters should be passed";

        echo "Usage: bpmn2stamp.sh <bpmn_file> <actor_mapping_xml> <organization_structure_xml> <result_ontology_base_iri>"
        echo "where:"
        echo "  bpmn_file - bpmn file to convert"
        echo "  actor_mapping_xml - actor mapping file for bpmn processes"
        echo "  organization_structure_xml - organization structure file"
        echo "  result_ontology_base_iri - base iri for the output ontology"

        exit 1;

echo "Passed parameters:"
echo "  bpmn_file = "$bpmn_file
echo "  actor_mapping_xml = "$actor_mapping
echo "  organization_structure_xml = "$organization_structure
echo "  result_ontology_base_iri = "$base_iri
echo "  output ontology file name (automatically derived from bpmn_xml) = "$output_file

echo ""
echo "Executing bpmn2stamp converter (using stamp execution stamp - see converter documentation):"
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "java -jar bpmn2stamp.jar -t stamp -iam \"$actor_mapping\" -ibpmn \"$bpmn_file\" -iorg \"$organization_structure\" -iri \"$base_iri\" -o \"$output_file\""


  • generated help is outputted to the console if CLI is incorrectly used

BTW, I have read your code to process CLI arguments and not sure it must be that complicated, on next meeting I will explain how parsing with org.kohsuke.args4j works: