kbsali / php-redmine-api

A simple PHP Redmine API client, Object Oriented

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Unassigne user from issue

kukukk opened this issue · comments


I would like to unassigne a user from an issue but without assigning the issue to an another user.

It is possible to do it with a PUT request to issues/_issue_id_.json endpint with the following body:

    "issue": {
        "assigned_to_id": ""

I tried the same with this client using the following code snippet:

$redmineClient->issue->update($issueId, [
    'assigned_to_id' => ''

But the sanitizeParams() method eliminates the empty assigned_to_id field.

So, my question is: how can I unassigne a user from an issue and leave the issue unassigned?

Hey @kburwieck You are right, this is a bug in AbstractApi::sanitizeParams().

I have created and tested a bugfix, but found that there is a bug in Redmine when the REST API is accessed as XML. See https://www.redmine.org/issues/33744

So for fixing this bug we would need to switch to JSON instead of XML for updating an issue.

As a workaround one could use this code to unassign a user from an issue:

    '/issues/' . $issueId . '.json',
    '{"issue": {"assigned_to_id": ""}}'

I just released v2.2.0