kbsali / php-redmine-api

A simple PHP Redmine API client, Object Oriented

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runRequest return empty message

nguyenthemanh2601 opened this issue · comments

I am try to login to redmine.
But when i call: (new Redmine\Client(env('URL_REDMINE'), $username, $password))->->user->getCurrentUser();

an empty exception have been display

With $path = /users/current.json?include=memberships%2Cgroups pass by Redmine\Api\User->show(),
curl_errno($curl) on runRequest method is 3, but curl_error($curl) is empty.

It is CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT error, but $path is default on show method.

Hey, I can't reproduce this on my machine. The $path is correct and returns the correct data.

Please make sure that env('URL_REDMINE') returns a valid url without a trailing slash (/).

Hey, it's been a while since the last activity here, so I'm closing the ticket.

Feel free to comment if there are any new findings and then we'll reopen the ticket.