kbiakov / CodeView-Android

Display code with syntax highlighting :sparkles: in native way.

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How do we increase the code font size

MShamshuddeen opened this issue · comments

i didn't understand can you more elaborate on that.Where i need to pass the fontSize @kbiakov

By updating options, you can set it this way:

myOptions.withFormat(Format.Compact.copy(fontSize = 15f))

And don't forget to check your markup to be sure that isn't broken, because larger font size requires larger space between lines. Just play with other params in Format. Hope it helps!


after adding this m getting error
Error:(24, 35) error: Compact has private access in Format
Error:(24, 49) error: cannot find symbol variable fontSize

If you use it from Java, you should create the instance of Format class and provide several params:

    .withFormat(new Format(
        1,    // scale factor
        18,   // line height
        3,    // border height
        15    // font size

It's a good catch! At this moment it is not so simple and convenient to create format this way in cause of interoperability with Kotlin data classes which represents Format. I will improve Java support in next release.

P.S. The preceding constants was taken from Format.Compact.

@MShamshuddeen @Rizwansyed9 That helped? Can I close the issue?

Yes, Thanks for your Time and support

So, i have added a button to zoom in,
but here is what happens on zooming in :

zoomIn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
                zoom++; //a variable to keep track of current zoom level
                        .withFormat(new Format(
                                1,    // scale factor
                                (zoom+(int)(zoom*0.30)),   // line height
                                3,    // border height
                                zoom    // font size

but this refreshes the code, can't i just change the format without re-initializing the whole code in the code view ? is that possible ?