kbiakov / CodeView-Android

Display code with syntax highlighting :sparkles: in native way.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Initial tab/space is trimmed at the starting of each new line

khokharnikunj8 opened this issue · comments


I have recently used this library to highlight the syntax. But it trimmed initial spaces and white space characters at the beginning of each new line. This has made difficult to understand the code. Please add this feature.

Hi, thanks for reporting the issue! Fixed and soon will be published in forthcoming release.


@kbiakov can I work on this issue and open PR?

Yesterday I found new issue which breaks highlighting: it's fixed, but not merged to develop branch. Also I need to fix Travis CI build fail related to not applied licenses. If you want to - you can, but as I think it's more convenient to do it by my own.

Hi, check latest release! Note that I moved repository under my ownership: see dependency in README.