kbariotis / throw.js

HTTP Error collection to use in your next REST API.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An HTTP Error collection to use in your next REST API.


npm install --save throw.js


yarn add throw.js


const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const { NotFound } = require("throw.js");
const logger = require("winston");

app.get("/", (req, res, next) => {
    next(new NotFound());

app.use((err, req, res, next) => {

    if (req.app.get("env") !== "development" && req.app.get("env") !== "test") {
        delete err.stack;

    res.status(err.statusCode || 500).json(err);


Custom Errors

const { CustomError } = require("throw.js");

throw new CustomError(message, statusCode?, errorCode?, originalError?);


  • message[optional]: Detailed message of this error
  • statusCode[optional]: The HTTP Status number to return
  • errorCode[optional]: An internal unique code identifier of this error

Stacking Errors

const { CustomError } = require("throw.js");

try {
    // throws an error
} catch (e) {
    // Pass the error as a parameter to keep its original stack trace
    throw new CustomError(message, statusCode, errorCode, e);


All of the classes below have all parameters set up by default, based on RFC7231. But you can override the message and the errorCode to fit your for personal needs.

400 Bad Request

BadRequest(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

402 Payment Required

PaymentRequired(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

403 Forbidden

Forbidden(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

404 Not Found

NotFound(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

405 Method Not Allowed

MethodNotAllowed(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

406 Not Acceptable

NotAcceptable(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

407 Proxy Authentication Required

ProxyAuthenticationRequired(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

408 Request Timeout

RequestTimeout(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

409 Conflict

Conflict(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

410 Gone

Gone(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

422 Unprocessable Entity

UnprocessableEntity(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

424 Failed Dependency

FailedDependency(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

500 Internal Server Error

InternalServerError(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

501 Not Implemented

NotImplemented(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

502 Bad Gateway

BadGateway(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

503 Service Unavailable

ServiceUnavailable(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

504 Gateway Timeout

GatewayTimeout(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

505 HTTP Version Not Supported

HttpVersionNotSupported(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);

511 Network Authentication Required

NetworkAuthenticationRequired(message?, errorCode?, originalError?);


  • Implement more Error Classes


HTTP Error collection to use in your next REST API.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%