kayslay / require_all

An npm module to require all javascript or json files in a directory

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Require multiple files at a time from a directory. Require is a module to require files from directory and should only be used when requiring multiple files from directory.

If you need to require a single module from directory or from the node_modules directory make use of the Nodejs standard require function.

require_all does not have any dependency apart from the ones used in development (mocha & chai).


    $ npm install require_all


require_all has two modes of operation, Asynchronous and Synchronous mode.

   const requireAll = require('require_all')(module);  //pass in the module so it can get the directory name of the current file

The requireAll function


  • path {String | Array}
  • options {Object} optional
  • callback {Functon | String} optional

The path to directory or an array of paths to directories to require files from. Both relative and absolute paths are supported


The option argument configures certain behaviors of requireAll function. The option is an Object with properties:

  • depth {Boolean}: Defaults to false. If true it gets the files of sub-directories in the directory of the path.

  • filters {RegExp}: The default value is /(\.js|\.json)$/. Requires the files that match the RegExp.

Note : If changed the new RegExp value would replace the default, so if js and json files want to matched it must be included in the new RegExp value.

  • exclude {RegExp} The files to exclude

  • excludeDir {RegExp} The directories to exclude


The require_all acts synchronously or asynchronously depending on the parameters passed or not passed as it callback parameter.

require_all acts synchronously if the callback parameter is not passed or the callback === 'sync'.

const RequiredObj = requireAll('path/to/file'[,option])
const RequiredObj = requireAll('path/to/file'[,option],'sync')

If a callback function is passed or the callback string === 'async' require_all acts asynchronously.

A Promise is returned when the callback === "async".

   .then(requiredObj=> {/*fulfilled*/})
   .catch(err=>{/*error handling*/})

Or handle with a callback when the function is passed into the callback argument

        /*error handling*/
    /*run the code*/

Depending on the way this function is used, the object gotten after the all the requiring is done is; let say it called RequiredObj.

RequiredObj would be explained in more details


RequiredObj is an object that holds all the functions,array, values e.t.c. of the scripts in the folder required.

structure of RequiredObj

    RequiredObj = {
    ['folderBaseName']: {
            ['filename1'] : ['exported param'],
            ['filename2'] : ['exported param'] 

    // path/to/file
    //file would be the folderBaseName
    //if we have file1.js , file2.js and file3.json

    //the value of RequireObj = {'file':{
    //                            file1: [__exported_values__]
    //                            file2: [__exported_values__]
    //                            file3: [__exported_values__]
    //                            }

Example Usage

Using Require_all Synchronously

var requireAll = require("require_all")(module);
//passing an array of paths
const obj = requireAll(['../dummy_module/', '../dummy/'],
    {depth: true, exclude: /((^\.\.)|index.js)/, excludeDir: /^child/});
//passing a single path
const obj = requireAll('../dummy_module/',
    {depth: true, exclude: /((^\.\.)|index.js)/, excludeDir: /^child/});


Using Require_all Asynchronously

var requireAll = require("require_all")(module);
//using as a promise
 requireAll(['../dummy_module/', '../dummy/'],
    {depth: true, exclude: /((^\.\.)|index.js)/, excludeDir: /^child/},'async')
    .then(obj=> {console.log(obj)})
 //using as a callback
 requireAll(['../dummy_module/', '../dummy/'],
    {depth: true, exclude: /((^\.\.)|index.js)/, excludeDir: /^child/}, (err, obj) => {
        if (err) {

Please report any issues on the projects issues page here

Badewa Kayode

@kayslaycode github Badewa Kayode


An npm module to require all javascript or json files in a directory

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%