kaylode / theseus

General template for most Pytorch projects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

About master branch and detection branch

IricsDo opened this issue · comments

Hello, Thanks your repo! It's very helpful for me. Again thanks for contribution.
I want to ask you about detection branch. Can you meger it into master branch or set it to master branch. I clone your repo to use, but it only master branch. And it miss alot of file. It's very difficut for me to run train.
I hope you do it soon as soon possible.
Have a nice day!

Hi there,

To clone and use different branch, you can execute git checkout <branch-name>. Therefore, to switch to detection branch, simply call git checkout detection

Thanks you.
I have the last question. Can i training with my custom data? I have, how i can do it?
Have a nice day