kayjan / bigtree

Tree Implementation and Methods for Python, integrated with list, dictionary, pandas and polars DataFrame.

Home Page:https://bigtree.readthedocs.io

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OSError: cannot open resource printing tree image on Windows system

clabnet opened this issue · comments

First: thanks for this beautiful code. It is robust and very well documented.
I have installed all dependencies :

(base) jovyan@jupyter-lab:~/work/normalizer$ pip install 'bigtree[image]'
Requirement already satisfied: bigtree[image] in /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages (0.12.4)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow in /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from bigtree[image]) (10.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pydot in /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from bigtree[image]) (1.4.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.1.4 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from pydot->bigtree[image]) (3.1.1)

Trying to print a tree image on Windows system.

from bigtree import dataframe_to_tree_by_relation, tree_to_dot, tree_to_pillow, tree_to_dataframe
root = dataframe_to_tree_by_relation(df_slim)
pillow_image = tree_to_pillow(root)

The tree is :

H-FUQF [parent=None]
└── FUQF.ALB.22.100 [parent=Node(/H-FUQF, level=0, t_n=1)]
    └── 2999-12353-01- [parent=Node(/H-FUQF/FUQF.ALB.22.100, level=1, t_n=7)]
        ├── 221355-090-2 [parent=Node(/H-FUQF/FUQF.ALB.22.100/2999-12353-01-, level=2, t_n=10)]
        ├── 2922-01366-01- [parent=Node(/H-FUQF/FUQF.ALB.22.100/2999-12353-01-, level=2, t_n=10)]
        ├── 242241-402-1 [parent=Node(/H-FUQF/FUQF.ALB.22.100/2999-12353-01-, level=2, t_n=10)]
        ├── 2923-02256-01C [parent=Node(/H-FUQF/FUQF.ALB.22.100/2999-12353-01-, level=2, t_n=10)]

The error is :

OSError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[10], line 16
      7 tree_to_dataframe(
      8    root,
      9    name_col="item",
     10    parent_col="parent",
     11    path_col="path")
     13 #graph = tree_to_dot(root, node_colour="gold")
     14 #graph.write_png("assets/demo.png")
---> 16 pillow_image = tree_to_pillow(root)
     17 pillow_image.save("demo_pillow.png")

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bigtree/utils/exceptions.py:122, in optional_dependencies_image.<locals>.decorator.<locals>.wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
    117     except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    118         raise ImportError(
    119             "Pillow not available. Please perform a\n\n"
    120             "pip install 'bigtree[image]'\n\nto install required dependencies"
    121         ) from None
--> 122 return func(*args, **kwargs)

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bigtree/tree/export.py:811, in tree_to_pillow(tree, width, height, start_pos, font_family, font_size, font_colour, bg_colour, **kwargs)
    781 """Export tree to image (JPG, PNG).
    782 Image will be similar format as `print_tree`, accepts additional keyword arguments as input to `yield_tree`
    808     (PIL.Image.Image)
    809 """
    810 # Initialize font
--> 811 font = ImageFont.truetype(font_family, font_size)
    813 # Initialize text
    814 image_text = []

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PIL/ImageFont.py:791, in truetype(font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine)
    788     return FreeTypeFont(font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine)
    790 try:
--> 791     return freetype(font)
    792 except OSError:
    793     if not is_path(font):

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PIL/ImageFont.py:788, in truetype.<locals>.freetype(font)
    787 def freetype(font):
--> 788     return FreeTypeFont(font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine)

File /opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PIL/ImageFont.py:226, in FreeTypeFont.__init__(self, font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine)
    224                 load_from_bytes(f)
    225             return
--> 226     self.font = core.getfont(
    227         font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine=layout_engine
    228     )
    229 else:
    230     load_from_bytes(font)

OSError: cannot open resource

Any suggestion please ?

Hi, thanks for raising this issue! The fix is implemented in v0.12.5, do upgrade bigtree with the command pip install --upgrade bigtree.