kaxing / snapstore

Super minimalist example "store" to serve snap packages.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


snapstore is a minimalist example of a "store" for snaps, based on the public API specs (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppStore/Interfaces/ClickPackageIndex). It allows anyone to host their own collection of snaps for installation on supported platforms.

See http://snapcraft.io for more information on creating and using snap packages.

Server setup (with snappy)

snap install snapstore-example

It will be run as a daemon on the default port 5000.

Server setup (manual)

Install python-virtualenv.

E.g. on Ubuntu 16.04:

sudo apt install python-virtualenv

Clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/noise/snapstore.git
cd snapstore

Setup virtualenv and install dependencies:

virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run it:

python store.py

File management

Put snaps (named as name.snap) and metadata (named as name.meta) in ./files/ (/var/snap/snapstore-example/current/files/ for snap version). We've already included one sample snap (foobar25).

Client setup

On any distribution supporting snaps (see http://snapcraft.io), install snapd (requires snapd >=2.0.6).

E.g. on Ubuntu 16.04:

sudo apt install snapd

Edit /etc/environment, add your store URL, e.g.:


Then bounce snapd:

sudo service snapd restart


Supports snap find , snap install

$ snap find
Name      Version  Developer  Notes  Summary
bar       0.2      testuser   -      This is a bar snap
baz       0.4      testuser   -      This is a baz snap
foobar25  2.5      testuser   -      This is a test snap

$ snap find ba
Name  Version  Developer  Notes  Summary
bar   0.2      testuser   -      This is a bar snap
baz   0.4      testuser   -      This is a baz snap

$ snap install bar

Name  Version  Rev  Developer  Notes
bar   2.5      1    testuser   -

$ snap refresh bar

Name  Version  Rev  Developer  Notes
bar   2.5      2    testuser   -

Known issues

  • It's just an example, probably lots!
  • snap refresh (bulk) not supported


Super minimalist example "store" to serve snap packages.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 75.9%Language:Makefile 18.5%Language:Shell 5.6%