kavishgambhir / xy-cut-tree

Segmenting a given document using recursive xy-cut algorithm.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Document Page Segmentation

(term project for semester Jan - Jul , '18 )


It segments the document provided recursively in a stores the Segments blocks in a tree like structure to match for layout similarity from a dataset.


opencv2 : for reading and manipulating documents.


xy_cut.cpp : segments a a document and creates a tree of blocks. use custom documents and pass them in to arguments to check functionality. Result blocks are stored as binary in result folder and resultant segmented image stored as result.jpg in root folder. requires library opencv


Segmenting a given document using recursive xy-cut algorithm.


Language:C++ 97.9%Language:CMake 2.1%