kauemurakami / app_version_update

[Flutter package] An easy and quick way to check if the local app is updated with the same version in their respective stores (Play Store / Apple Store ).

Home Page:https://pub.dev/packages/app_version_update

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AppVersionUpdate.showPageUpdate is showing page when it should not (Android)

lcsvcn opened this issue · comments

   final appVersionResult = await AppVersionUpdate.checkForUpdates(
      appleId: _appState.appInfo.packageName,
      playStoreId: _appState.appInfo.packageName,
      country: "br",
    context: context,
    appVersionResult: appVersionResult,
    page: AppUpdatePage(),
    mandatory: true,

version: 4.0.1

Currently, the lib has misidentified that there is an update available, when there is still no update on the store.

What was expected to happen:

Don't show the app update page while there is nothing on store for user, since we can deploy release with percentage of user base affected, so some users can receive sooner others later, we need to make sure that user has the update in their Google Play Store or app store before forcing them to update.

What is currently happening:

User is seeing mandatory update when there is still no update available for him, not allowing it to use the app and not allowing it update, since there is not any new update available (still under review from Google Play or waiting to be release for that user)

In the example, is asking to update for version 2.1.10, when in store we have only 2.1.9. The 2.1.10 is pending review or still pending Google for publish it.

I have seen this only on Android so far, I integrated recently, so it could be happening to iOS too.

So now that there is an update on the Google Play Store, and it should show the update page, it doesn't show anything...

Here is the split screen with the app version 2.1.9 open and the new version on the store.

WhatsApp Image 2023-10-09 at 19 28 35

I believe this could be a bug in the mandatory update, as it doesn't close because there is no return for this check, and whether mandatory or not, when you return you need to close the app, if it is mandatory or click on update later if it is not.

I received some comments asking for a response if the app is updated or not, I always said that the app would restart, I will work on a response so that this doesn't happen

@kauemurakami any updates?