katursis / Pawn.RakNet

🛡 Plugin for SA:MP 0.3.7 server that allows you to capture and analyze RakNet traffic

Home Page:https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.RakNet/wiki

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Segmentation fault with some plugins

RodrigoMSR opened this issue · comments

Hello, when I try to use certain plugins together with Pawn.Raknet the server does not start and crashes with the Segmentation fault error on Linux. If I remove Pawn.Raknet, the server starts normally.

The plugin is "sampvoice", but this also happened when I tried to use the sampcac plugin.

Both plugins seem to hook the "Raknet", and causes this error.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R3, (C)2005-2019 SA-MP Team

[10/12/2020 09:13:38] 
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] Server Plugins
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] --------------
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.so
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]   CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK.
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]   Loaded.
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]  Loading plugin: streamer.so
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] 

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[10/12/2020 09:13:38]   Loaded.
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] 

[10/12/2020 09:13:38]  ===============================

[10/12/2020 09:13:38]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[10/12/2020 09:13:38]          Version:  2.8.3        

[10/12/2020 09:13:38]   (c) 2018 Alex "Y_Less" Cole  

[10/12/2020 09:13:38]  ===============================

[10/12/2020 09:13:38]   Loaded.
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]  Loading plugin: mysql.so
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]  >> plugin.mysql: R41-4 successfully loaded.
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]   Loaded.
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]  Loading plugin: sampvoice.so
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [sv:dbg:network:init] : module initializing...
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [dbg:raknet:init] : module initializing...
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [dbg:raknet:init] : module initialized
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [sv:dbg:network:init] : module initialized
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [sv:dbg:main:Load] : creating 1 work threads...
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]  -------------------------------------------    
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]    ___                __   __    _              
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]   / __| __ _ _ __  _ _\ \ / /__ (_) __ ___    
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]   \__ \/ _` | '  \| '_ \   / _ \| |/ _/ -_)
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]   |___/\__,_|_|_|_| .__/\_/\___/|_|\__\___|
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]                   |_|                           
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]  -------------------------------------------    
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]            SampVoice by MOR loaded              
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]  -------------------------------------------    
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]   Loaded.
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]  Loading plugin: pawnraknet.so
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] Pawn.RakNet plugin v1.3.0 by urShadow has been loaded
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]   Loaded.
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]  Loading plugin: filemanager.so
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] ******************
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] ** FILE MANAGER **
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] **    Loaded    **
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] ** Version 1.5 **
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] ******************
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]   Loaded.
[10/12/2020 09:13:38]  Loaded 7 plugins.

[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [debug] Native backtrace:
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [debug] #0 f7a1ae8b in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [debug] #1 f7a13bcf in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [debug] #2 f7a14dbc in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceEPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [debug] #3 f7a15226 in _ZN11CrashDetect11OnExceptionEPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [debug] #4 f7a1aadc in ?? () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [debug] #5 f7ef3090 in __kernel_rt_sigreturn () from linux-gate.so.1
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [debug] #6 f7ad7d4c in ?? () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [debug] #7 f5f857a9 in _ZN5Hooks13InternalHooks21GetRakServerInterfaceEv () from plugins/pawnraknet.so
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [debug] #8 080af544 in ?? () from ./samp03voip
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [debug] #9 080aa116 in ?? () from ./samp03voip
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [debug] #10 f7a58b41 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
[10/12/2020 09:13:38] [debug] #11 0804b4e1 in ?? () from ./samp03voip

sampvoice and sampcac are based on the source code of old version Pawn.RakNet. It is not Pawn.RakNet problem.