kathicks / oystercard

Makers Academy Week 2: Further TDD and OOP

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Oystercard Challenge

Makers Academy Week No. 2

Build Status Coverage Status Code Climate


We worked through the challenges throughout the week in rotating pairs. Below are the user stories that this project was intended to satisfy:

In order to use public transport
As a customer
I want money on my card

In order to keep using public transport
As a customer
I want to add money to my card

In order to protect my money
As a customer
I don't want to put too much money on my card

In order to pay for my journey
As a customer
I need my fare deducted from my card

In order to get through the barriers
As a customer
I need to touch in and out

In order to pay for my journey
As a customer
I need to have the minimum amount for a single journey

In order to pay for my journey
As a customer
I need to pay for my journey when it's complete

In order to pay for my journey
As a customer
I need to know where I've travelled from

In order to know where I have been
As a customer
I want to see to all my previous trips

In order to know how far I have travelled
As a customer
I want to know what zone a station is in

In order to be charged correctly
As a customer
I need a penalty charge deducted if I fail to touch in or out

In order to be charged the correct amount
As a customer
I need to have the correct fare calculated


  • Are you having fun?
  • Are you a better developer than you were yesterday?
  • Can you use object-oriented design principles to write better code?

Using my application

  • Download the source code using $ git clone
  • Within the command line, type $ irb to open the Ruby REPL
  • Then, use the following commands to interact with the programme:
2.3.0 :001 > require './lib/station.rb'
 => true
2.3.0 :002 > require './lib/journey.rb'
 => true
2.3.0 :003 > require './lib/journeylog.rb'
 => true
2.3.0 :004 > require './lib/oystercard.rb'
 => true
2.3.0 :005 > my_card = Oystercard.new
 => #<Oystercard:0x007ff8da12f8d8 @balance=0, @journey_log=#<JourneyLog:0x007ff8da12f8b0 @journey_history=[], @current_journey=nil>>
2.3.0 :006 > my_card.balance
 => 0
2.3.0 :007 > my_card.top_up(30)
 => 30
2.3.0 :008 > my_card.balance
 => 30
2.3.0 :009 > euston = Station.new('Euston', 1)
 => #<Station:0x007fa1b3898f08 @name="Euston", @zone=1>
2.3.0 :010 > stepney_green = Station.new('Stepney Green', 2)
 => #<Station:0x007fa1b29703f0 @name="Stepney Green", @zone=2>
2.3.0 :011 > my_card.touch_in(euston)
 => nil
2.3.0 :012 > my_card.balance
 => 30
2.3.0 :013 > my_card.touch_out(stepney_green)
 => 28
2.3.0 :014 > my_card.balance
 => 28

Running the tests

  • Within the root of the directory, run $ rspec to run the tests and see the results in the command line


  • Application written in Ruby 2.3.0
  • Tests written in RSpec


  • Tried to extend my OOD approaches this week - particularly around dependency injection
  • Focused on the details of my code such as using constants for magic numbers, so that key numbers are not hard coded into the code base and also extracted boolean logic to guard clause methods such as the valid? method in the Journey class
  • Testing approach focused on doubles and trying to follow the London School of Testing


  • One of the biggest learnings this week was realising that objects do not need to perfectly map to nouns within the user stories
    • Extracting the JourneyLog class felt quite strange at first, but as we moved through the class extractions, it began to make more sense
    • We were encouraged to use 'understands' statements to realise the need for each class such as 'this class understands journeys' or 'this class understands the sequencing of journeys'
      • General rule of thumb is if an 'understands' statement has an 'and' in it, then you need to extract another class

Ideas for extension

  • It would be nice to write some RSpec feature tests to test the full sequence of interactions
    • Would help me check for edge cases which haven't been given much attention so far
  • It would also be interesting to generate a csv file of stations with zones and then instantiate a whole bunch of Station objects within these feature tests straight from the file


Shereen Finney, Ben Kielty, Sam Mckay, Mitchell Bayer-Goldman, Edyta Wrobel


Makers Academy Week 2: Further TDD and OOP


Language:Ruby 100.0%