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cloud hypervisor support for runtime-rs

lifupan opened this issue · comments

Which feature do you think can be improved?

We should make sure the cloud hypervisor is fully supported as go runtime does.

Specify the feature you think could be made better.

How can it be improved?

Describe how specifically you think it could be improved.

Additional Information

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Before raising this enhancement request

Have you looked at the limitations document?

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Hi @lifupan - Can you give a bit of detail on what this issue is for?

Hi @lifupan - Can you give a bit of detail on what this issue is for?

Hi James, I want to use it to track the support of runtime-rs for cloud hypervisor. Basically, I want to complete the support feature of cloud-hypervisor for runtime-rs, so that after the runtime can be switched to runtime-rs by default, cloud-hypervisor can also Can be used normally. I remember that there seemed to be a project to track the development of cloud-hypervsior on runtime-rs, but I can't find it now. If you think cloud-hypervisor's support on runtime-rs is basically on par with go runtime, you can add some comments to explain and close this issue. Of course, when supporting runtime and switching to runtime-rs by default, it doesn't necessarily have to be in line with go runtime. If you think the main functions are also supported, that's fine.