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Keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + C / Ctrl + v) Not Working in any other language in the KASM workspace than English

Azhar06-june opened this issue · comments

Problem: Keyboard shortcuts are not working in KASM workspaces when using a language other than English, specifically Arabic. I have tried using different browsers like Chrome and Firefox within KASM using Chromium, but the issue persists.

Additional Details:

  • All keyboard shortcuts work well in English.
  • None of the keyboard shortcuts work when using Arabic.
  • I have tried using different browsers (Chrome and Firefox) within KASM and it did not help.

Workspaces Version

Workspaces Installation Method

Please help resolve this issue.

@Azhar06-june , I need some more information. What is your local operating system? What type of keyboard are you using? Are you using a standard QWERTY keyboard and then change the language in the OS or are you using something else?

@mmcclaskey, Windows 10 & Windows 11 is the local operating system, I am using a standard Qwerty keyboard & when i shift the Language from English to Arabic all the shortcut keys work fine on the Operating system, But when i try to do the same thing in KASM it won't function
Additionally I have tried other Languages as well and it's the same.