kartben / artificial-nose

Instructions, source code, and misc. resources needed for building a Tiny ML-powered artificial nose.

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file not found

tcccorp opened this issue · comments


hello, when I try to build the app there is an error 'FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] Le fichier spécifié est introuvable' and it seems trouble is with the line below

platform_packages =

if I remove framework-arduino-samd-seeed@, it is a little bit better until another trouble :( :

Executing task: C:\Users\Serge.platformio\penv\Scripts\platformio.exe run --target upload <

Processing seeed_wio_terminal (platform: atmelsam; board: seeed_wio_terminal; framework: arduino)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tool Manager: Installing platformio/tool-bossac @ ~1.10900.0
Tool Manager: tool-bossac @ 1.10900.0 has been installed!
Tool Manager: Installing ArduinoCore-samd @ *
*Error: Could not find the package with 'ArduinoCore-samd @ ' requirements for your system 'windows_amd64'
The terminal process "C:\Users\Serge.platformio\penv\Scripts\platformio.exe 'run', '--target', 'upload'" terminated with exit code: 1.



Bonsoir Serge!

This is weird. I am assuming you're using the latest version of Platform.io? Are you using it standalone or from VS Code? It should really matter but just trying to see what could cause issue on your machine...


Bonsoir Benjamin , thanks for your reply :)

I use VS 1.58.2 and Platform.io (Core 5.1.1·Home 3.3.4)

I ll debug this week end and I ll keep you informed



Hello Sébastien,

so I tried several times on Windows and it still fails... So I tested on Kali ( trouble with python) and Ubuntu....

I made a fresh install on Ubuntu and it worked after a little modification : I added upload_port = /dev/ttyACM1 in the platformio.ini because in automatic mode I bricked the terminal when I uploaded the soft

so now I have to continue :) I'll be happy to see my bread

have a nice day
