karlvr / openapi-generator-plus

A code generator for OpenAPI written in node and designed to have pluggable generators

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[ERROR] package.json already exists at package.json

gustawdaniel opened this issue · comments

I started from command

npm init openapi-generator-plus

and had errors

npm WARN deprecated @npmcli/move-file@2.0.1: This functionality has been moved to @npmcli/fs
[ERROR] package.json already exists at package.json
npm ERR! code 1
npm ERR! path /home/daniel/exp/chroma/clients/js
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command sh -c create-openapi-generator-plus

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/daniel/.npm/_logs/2023-04-15T09_32_32_991Z-debug-0.log

but on this command

npx openapi-generator-plus generate -i openapi.json -g typescript-fetch -o src/generated --additional-properties 'typescriptThreePlus=true,withSeparateModelsAndApi=true,apiPackage=api,modelPackage=models,useSingleRequestParameter=true,withNodeImports=true,npmName=chromadb';

I had

Unknown option: i
Unknown option: additional-properties
API specification not specified
usage: /home/daniel/.npm/_npx/d004b2cb4af24a43/node_modules/.bin/ogplus [generate] [-c <config file>] [-o <output dir>] [-g <generator template or path>] [--watch] [--clean] [<path or url to api spec>]

so I tried this one

npx openapi-generator-plus generate -g typescript-fetch -o src/generated openapi.json 

and seen

Failed to load generator template: typescript-fetch Error: Cannot find module 'typescript-fetch'

I changed to

npx openapi-generator-plus generate -g typescript-fetch-client -o src/generated openapi.json

also without success

In next step I removed my package.json and tried with init again. Then I reverted my package.json

I suggest to rather append

        "openapi-generator-plus": "^2.6.0",
        "@openapi-generator-plus/typescript-fetch-node-client-generator": "^1.1.6"

to devDependencies and

       "generate": "openapi-generator-plus -c config.yml"

to scripts than override existing package.json

then I changed config.yml to

# OpenAPI Generator Plus generator configuration
inputPath: openapi.json
outputPath: src/generated
generator: "@openapi-generator-plus/typescript-fetch-node-client-generator"
# See https://github.com/karlvr/openapi-generator-plus-generators/tree/master/packages/typescript-fetch-node-client#readme for more configuration options

and seen

Failed to process the API specification: Error: Missing schema type: {}

I have in my schema

is it correct openapi schema few places with

    "/api/v1/version": {
      "get": {
        "summary": "Version",
        "operationId": "version",
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "description": "Successful Response",
            "content": {
              "application/json": {
                "schema": {}

I i decided to omit them entirely. Did not helped.

Then I changed

throw new Error(`Missing schema type: ${(0, utils_1.debugStringify)(apiSchema)}`);

to less restrictive

return types_1.CodegenSchemaType.OBJECT;

code was generated but I had further problems

  1. I do not need abab dependency (it is not used btw)
  2. I do not want node-fetch dependency because node from 18 support fetch natively

I changed generator to typescript-fetch-client-generator

and then I had next problem

I could not use

import { Configuration, DefaultApi } from "./generated";

because DefaultApi is not exported.

I did not solved this problem and when I saw

export const defaultFetch = window.fetch;

I understood that I have to give up.

I wish you success with this library. I think your approach is much better that in original openapi-generator. But there is a lot to do to simplify it and document. I hope that this report will be useful to understand what problems have your users. Probably many of them consider option of migrate from openapi-generator to openapi-generator-plus and simplifying this process substantially increase chance for mass adoption of this project.

@gustawdaniel thanks for your detailed report. It is indeed frustrating when you try something and it just doesn't work.

I do think the npm init path is the quickest path to achieving something... it seems that it didn't work for you because you wanted it to add to your additional package.json, is that correct? I would be possible to just add to the existing project... it's just a little more work in the create-api-project.ts. I'll make some changes to improve that a bit.


schema: {}

Is it correct that an empty schema should be treated as an object? The generated code for an object with no properties won't be very useful. Are you sure about that?

The abab dependency is sometimes used, depending upon the API spec. It is a little annoying to have unwanted dependencies, but you can easily remove it... the generated package.json isn't replaced so your modifications are permanent. That is interesting news re node-fetch... that suggests that I can simply remove it as a dependency. I'll probably need an option that retains it for people targeting older versions of node. The work never ends :-)

I suspect you wanted to use the node generator but switched to the web generator (typescript-fetch-client-generator), which is why you saw window etc. But regarding the imports, I think everything is exported, so you'll find DefaultApi in the default export.

I hope your API journey has gone well!