karlseguin / log.zig

A structured logger for Zig

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

error: no field or member function named 'writeByte' in 'fs.file.File' try out.writeByte('\n');

qcjxberin opened this issue · comments

Now use zig-0.11 version.

const now1 = std.time.milliTimestamp(); var buffer1: [256]u8 = undefined; const formatted1 = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&buffer1, "{}", .{now1}); _ = formatted1;
requestLogs.err() .string("context", "divide") .float("a", 1) .float("b", 2).log();

error: no field or member function named 'writeByte' in 'fs.file.File'
try out.writeByte('\n');

Where do I need to configure it?,And how to write logs to a file.。

Looks like file.writeByte is new in 0.12.

I've updated the branch to use writeAll, and I've tested the code this time and it works :) Sorry, the unit tests mock the output, so this wasn't caught. I'll try to improve the unit tests and pass in a real file.

To log to your own file, you can use logTo(out: anytype) instead of log. It would obviously be nice to be able to specify the file initially. Not sure how doable that is without making the API harder to use (e.g. turning the logger into a generic type).

It can not be configured to write to a file:

try logz.setup(allocator, .{
    .output = .{.file = "PATH TO FILE"},

There are no errors reported so far, but I don't see the log output.

try logz.setup(alloc, .{
.level = .Warn,
.pool_size = 100,
.buffer_size = 4096,
.large_buffer_count = 8,
.large_buffer_size = 16384,
//.output = .{ .file = "log.log" },
.output = .stdout,
.encoding = .logfmt,

logz.info().string("path", "test").int("ms", 12345678).log();


There are no errors reported so far, but I don't see the log output.

` try logz.setup(alloc, .{ .level = .Warn, .pool_size = 100, .buffer_size = 4096, .large_buffer_count = 8, .large_buffer_size = 16384, //.output = .{ .file = "log.log" }, .output = .stdout, .encoding = .logfmt, });

logz.info().string("path", "test").int("ms", 12345678).log();


I found the reason, I set the level to warn, but the log output is info