karashiiro / PingPlugin

A ping display plugin for Dalamud.

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Pinged server not updating when switching DCs?

gammarax opened this issue · comments


When I switch DCs, it doesn't update to ping the new DC.
This seems to resolve itself if I restart FFXIV.

Perhaps a function can be added to force a DC update?

Just realized this was an error on my end.

Reason: I was using PingPlugin and Resource Monitor to find out which server IP I was connecting to.
The IP address, when input into an IP checking website (e.g. https://whatismyipaddress.com/), seems to be showing the location of the OWNER of the IP address, instead of the location of the server itself.

E.g. The Materia server IP (OCE) will show Japan, but if you do a tracert in cmd then it shows a route to Sydney.