KaranBengani / proyecto

SEPM project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT KRAFTIFY---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Our website's aim is to help the small businesses that have gone out of business due to COVID19 pandemic, along with the fresh startups trying to acquire a position in the market. Our brand is known as "Kraftify" and is a website that allows users to register their businesses with us and our job is to promote their business. For registration, we have provided a "Join us" option that when clicked, directs the user to a form that can be filled to register their business with us. Once they have registered with us we promote their brand and at the same time increase their reach towards the consumers and make their products easily available, because we have taken the initiative to bring India to every doorstep.

Our landing page consists of advertisements of the products/shops who are a part of our community. By the first look anyone can make out that our core idea sticks close to the fact that India is capable of satisfying its own needs. Our intentions are depicted very clearly by our tagline itself, which is "Become vocal about local". We want to make our consumers aware that the products they search for in various super-markets that are monopolized by international brands are already available for us and at the same time produced in India itself, retaining their quality too. In terms of user feasibility our website is device friendly, i.e., it works on various screen devices and also has a variety of navigational links (be it internal or external) to guide our user throughout the page.

There is a 'shop with us' option in the navbar which allows the visitor to shop the products advertised on our website. We bring a new way to provide the users with the products, for users not residing in the same city as that of the manufacturer's or dealer's shop we provide them with home delivery, for those who stay at the same location as that of the dealer they will be given two options "home delivery" or "pick up" from the shop. Coming to the payment part, we all know that online payments always comes with a risk, and many individuals still are not able to execute online transaction due to various reasons. We bring you with our policy of PAY ON DELIVERY, providing 2 options for payment, be it cash or card. We are not those conventional websites that believe on solidity only we rather emphasize on making it visually attractive too, so be ready to view a variety of animations on various interactions from the user. In our dedicated page displaying the shops and their products, we have applied a new way to view the cart which gets updated in real-time, we are also implementing a new way to advertise the brands by using various animations and interactivity tools. We are providing various categories of products like "Clothes", "Self-Care", "Edibles", "Home- Decor" and "Accessories". Navigation into categories and sub categories have been aided using a filter search bar. We also provide with user authentication in our page.

This website has been developed using HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript ES6, JQuery, Bootstrap, Django, SQL and jinja.

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The software is partitioned into two major components:

  1. Front-End: This component of the software manages everything that users visually see first in their browser or application. The source code is located in the folder "Front End".
  2. Back-End This component of the software refers to the server side of the application and everything that communicates between the database and the browser. The source code is located in the folder "TBD".

Software Organization: The source code for the project is contained in two folders:

1.FRONT END: The source code of our landing page is stored in "Index.html" and its corresponding styling and interactivity of our page are managed by the files "index.css" and "index.js" respectively. There are various other sub-folders (such as sign.js,sign.css etc.) containing various other attributes that are linked to our home page.

2.BACK END: "Django is a very easy to use framework. It is a tool that can solve all our problems and in any kind of operation out there, we can use it. All these features are inside Python. It offers high security which makes our website very secure. The logical project structure and MVT architecture of Django provides us with the solid foundation to make our website dynamic." The details of the user registration will be encrypted for privacy protection. We provide protection from Cross site scripting (XSS), CSRF, SQL injection, Clickjacking etc.

----------------------------------------------------------------------O V E R V I E W - O F - S I T E - N A V I G A T I O N------------------------------------------------------

(View the tree structure in text editor)


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The web pages have been tested on: a. Chrome browser Version 84.0.4147.89 b. Microsoft Edge Version 84.0.522.40.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------K N O W N - L I M I T A T I O N S--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The design is not suitable to browse with Internet Explorer.

Copyright All Rights Reserved.


SEPM project


Language:HTML 56.3%Language:CSS 25.4%Language:JavaScript 9.6%Language:SCSS 5.9%Language:Python 2.7%