kaputnikGo / PilferShushJammer

Light Android AOSP application to test microphone jamming techniques to combat Cross-Device Tracking (XDT)

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11fen opened this issue · comments


Turn off every night, turn on the app and press the passive button every time you turn it on. Can you turn on automatically without pressing the passive button?

Google translate: "Very good app, how to achieve booting instead of pressing the button every time".
I do not know what you mean when you say booting. What do you mean?


After the phone is restarted, the microphone is automatically locked without pressing the "passive" button.
For example: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ownzordage.chrx.lenscap&hl=en
After the phone is restarted, the camera can still be locked unless I unlock it.


The example of the Lenscap app uses a special admin function API to turn off the camera. This function "com.android.settings.DeviceAdminSettings" can be set and it will stay set. More informatio here: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/admin/device-admin . There is no similar admin function for the microphone.
To create something like it would mean making the PilferShush app listen for and automatically load at boot and reset the jammer. That isnt something i want to do at this stage.


Thank you, it feels that this is not very convenient. Press the “passive” button again after each restart of the phone. This application is a daily necessity.

I understand, however I will put boot listen on the list of possible features to add but cant promise anything at this stage.