kanryu / quickviewer

A image/comic viewer application for Windows, Mac and Linux, it can show images very fast

Home Page:https://kanryu.github.io/quickviewer/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No more appImage builds since v1.1.1?

dandv opened this issue · comments

Releases after v1.1.1 no longer include the .appImage file. Is Linux no longer supported?

There is no Linux environment at hand. In the past, I was building because of technical interest, but I omit it now because it is very troublesome.

GitHub Actions provides a free Linux environment, and it can automatically build on push.



Indeed, other appimage can be quite usefull. You can deploy centos quite eaily on virtualbox in windows. Thanks in advance. great app.

version 1.1.1.appimage working fine on ubuntu, thanks dandv - it took me a while to find it, did not think of looking in older versions. This is the only picture viewer that I found for Linux with the needed "read ahead" feature, so it should be better known than the others. Maybe we can add it to the debian apt repo?