kangyu-california / PersistentWindows

fork of http://www.ninjacrab.com/persistent-windows/ with windows 10 update

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Not working with RPD full screen

42jerrykim opened this issue · comments

There is a bug where if you are using Windows RDP in fullscreen and then switch, it will change to windowed mode.

Please provide details on your display configuration, PW version (the latest is 5.49/5.50), and how do you "switch" out of RDP fullscreen mode without normalize or minimize the window first.

I am using a KVM switch and only one of the two monitors is connected to the KVM.

If I change the PC on the kvm, it will recognize the new monitor and this is where the problem occurs.

I'm using 5.50 version

PW works by recalling the history.
In your case, when kvm switches, It is Windows OS that decides to put the RDP window to normal mode, and PW has no history data to restore from.
The workaround is to hook another set of keyboard/mouse to the PC, and manually restore RDP window to full screen, and remember to capture the windows to disk as additional history backup. So next time when kvm switches, PW will be able to restore from history data automatically.