kamathhrishi / Weakly-Supervised-Street-Text-Detection

Weakly supervised street text detection, localisation and segmentation in Pytorch

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Weakly supervised street text detection, localisation and segmentation in Pytorch. This is not the most optimal way of doing the same. I am working on optimizing accuracy and speed. [i am yet to release latest code with improved performance with resnet18 and inference optimization]

Some cherry picked examples of localized text


The Weakly supervised algorithm is trained by first training a character agnostic text detection network by training it with images of various charecters and non-textual. Further, this network is used to label unlabelled images producing images with corresponding segmented masks. These unlabelled images are used to train a network to train a text segmentation network. From the segmented masks, the bounding boxes are derived.


  1. Install the required python packages by running

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. Download Chars74k dataset Chars74k dataset and place it in the root directory

  3. Place images of unlabelled street view text in the folder called Images. I used the UCSD SVT dataset and a select of images from NEOCR dataset. [I will upload my split and share it soon]

  4. Place various without any text in the folder called Background. Recommeded a combination of indoor/outdoor scenes without text [I will upload my split and share it soon]

  5. Train a charecter recognition network by running

    python3 train_charmodel.py

  6. Label the images using the following command

    python3 label_images.py

  7. Train a localisation , detection and segmentation network by running the command

    python3 train_localizationmodel.py


Weakly supervised street text detection, localisation and segmentation in Pytorch


Language:Python 100.0%