kaleidos-ventures / taiga-scripts

Taiga deploy scripts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Default username and password do not work; registration does not work.

jahwurbw opened this issue · comments

I am using a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 image in AWS. I clone taiga-scripts using a "taiga" user account and execute setup-server.sh successfully. I can access the website, but when attempting to login using admin/123123, I receive the following error:
Oops, something happened...
According to our Oompa Loompas, your username/email or password are incorrect.

Registration also fails with the following error:
"Something happened and our Oompa Loompas are working on it."

I reached the same results when following the manual installation process for a production environment.

Hello @jahwurbw

Did you check the output of setup-server.sh to check if something failed?, you could rebuild your database and initial data with something like (from your taiga-back folder):

workon taiga


Hi @superalex

i can confirm this issue (I also tried both, script and manual install).


workon taiga

did not work. The output of the script and regenerate.sh looks good so far.

Best regards,

You could check two different things:

  • Your javascript console to see if there is a problem calling the API
  • Your backend logs (from ~/logs folder)

Thanks @superalex the javascript console pointed me to the cause of the issue.


"api": "http://myvm.mydomain.com:8000/api/v1/",

in taiga-front/dist/v-1451995127167/js/app-loader.js did the trick for me.

Great!, but it's not recommended you edit that file (updating your instance will remove that changes), customize your dist/conf.json file

I ran the script, but am receiving the following error in the Javascript console:
OPTIONS http://localhost:8000/api/v1/auth net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

What do I need to change?

@jahwurbw I've answered you again in the other issue.
