kakaobrain / sparse-detr

PyTorch Implementation of Sparse DETR

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

matrix contains invalid numeric entries?

ddwhzh opened this issue · comments

When I try to test with the pre-trained model, an error reported matrix contains invalid numeric entries, due to backbone output is nan, is there any solution?

Can you tell us which pre-trained model did not work?


I've succeeded again in evaluating the model you mentioned.
I think there is no issue in evaluating the model with the current code.

Which command did you use for evaluation?
If you want to evaluate the model trained on ResNet, you should use the command as follows:

$ ./configs/r50_sparse_detr_rho_0.1.sh --resume <path to sparse_detr_r50_10.pth> --eval

OK, i will try, thx.