kaishuu0123 / erd-go

Translates a plain text description of a relational database schema to a graphical entity-relationship diagram.(convert to dot file)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Homebrew formula on OS X?

nbastin opened this issue · comments

This is super neat - any chance we could get a homebrew (https://brew.sh/) formula for MacOS X rather than a binary download? It would integrate well with the way most people get dot (from the graphviz formula) and would gracefully isolate from the rest of the system.


Thank you for your comment.
Do you have any information to be helpful?

Or is there a repository doing the same?

I created homebrew erd-go repository.
I'll send PR to homebrew-core.


brew tap kaishuu0123/erd-go
brew install erd-go


This is fantastic! Thanks for looking into it.

sent to homebrew-core. ( Homebrew/homebrew-core#30343 )
but Unfortunately this doesn't meet our notability requirements

  • GitHub repository not notable enough (<30 forks, <30 watchers and <75 stars)

I wanted to provide erd-go with homebrew-core.
That's a shame.

close this issue.

