kaikanertan / gmid_py

Python script for generating lookup tables for the gm/ID design methodology and much more ...

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MOSFET Characterization in Python


This tool has the following goals:

  1. Provide an easy way of creating plots of MOSFET parameters, such as those used in the gm/ID design methodology.

  2. Provide a tool that does not depend on any proprietary software or require licensing fees.

  3. Open source so that it can be easily modified/extended by the user.



This tools is written in Python and requires the following:

  • Numpy, Scipy, and Matplotlib for data analysis and plotting.

  • ngspice or hspice for generating the lookup table.

Generating a Lookup Table

Before any plots can be made, a lookup table of all the relevant parameters must first be created. This is done by instantiating an object from the LookupTableGenerator and then building the table with the build method. An example is given below.

from main.lookup_table_generator import LookupTableGenerator

obj = LookupTableGenerator(
    description="freepdk 45nm ngspice",
        "nmos": "NMOS_VTH",
        "pmos": "PMOS_VTH",
    vsb=(0, 1.0, 0.1),
    vgs=(0, 1.0, 0.01),
    vds=(0, 1.0, 0.01),
    lengths=[50e-9, 100e-9, 200e-9, 400e-9, 800e-9, 1.6e-6, 3.2e-6, 6.4e-6],

A summary of some of the parameters is given below:

  • The simulator used is specified with the simulator parameter. At the moment, only ngspice and hspice are supported. If you're using windows or some linux distribution where ngspice and hspice are named differently, you will have to modify the NGSPICE_PATH and HSPICE_PATH variables inside the lookup_table_generator.py file to point to the binaries on your system.

  • The lookup_table will be generated for a specific transistor model. Provide the location of the model files as a list using the model_paths parameter. Since it is possible to have more than one model definition inside a file, you need to specify the model name. This is done via the model_names parameter, where the keys are always "nmos" and "pmos and their values are the names of the models to be used.

  • If there's a specific need to pass in some custom SPICE commands, these should be done via the raw_spice parameter (not shown in the example above).

  • To generate a lookup table, the bulk, gate, and drain voltages relative to the source have to be swept over a range of voltages. Specify the range in the form (start, stop, step). The smaller the step size, the bigger is the size of the lookup table.

  • The length can be provided as a list of discrete values or a 1-dimensional numpy array.

  • Only a single width should be provided. The assumption here is that the parameters of the MOSFET scale linearly with the width. Because of this assumption, all parameters that are width-dependent must be de-normalized with respect to the current or width that you're working with.

  • The directory where the generated lookup table is saved is passed directly to the build method.

Using the Tool

Because of the interactive nature of designing analog circuits, using this script within a jupyter notebook is highly recommended.


We begin by making the following imports:

import numpy as np
from gmid import load_lookup_table, GMID

The load_lookup_table function loads a lookup table such as the one generated in the previous section.

lookup_table = load_lookup_table("path/to/lookup-table.npy")

The GMID class contains methods that can be used to generate plots seamlessly. If you plan to modify the style of the plots or plot things differently, you will also have to import matplotlib.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Making Simple Plots

We start by creating an object called nmos that selects the NMOS from the lookup table and sets the source-bulk and drain-source voltages to some fixed values. Since the data is 4-dimensional, it is necessary to fix two of the variables at a time to enable 2-dimensional plotting.

nmos = GMID(lookup_table, mos="nmos", vsb=0.0, vds=0.5)

The above code filters the table at vsb=0.0 and vds=0.5 for all values of vgs. If, for some reason, you also need to filter the third variable, you can use the parameter slice_independent=(start,stop).

Methods are available to create the most commonly-used plots in the gm/ID methodology so that you don't have to type them. These are:

  • current_density_plot(): this plots $I_{D}/W$ vs $g_{m}/I_{D}$.
  • gain_plot(): this plots $g_m / g_{ds}$ vs $g_{m}/I_{D}$.
  • transit_frequency_plot(): this plots $f_{T}$ vs $g_{m}/I_{D}$.
  • early_voltage_plot(): this plots $V_{A}$, vs $g_{m}/I_{D}$.

For example, the plot of $I_{D}/W$ vs $g_{m}/I_{D}$ is shown below.


current density plot

When the lookup table includes a lot of lengths, the plot can become crowded. You can pass a list of lengths to plot with the length parameter.

Use nmos.lengths to get a list of all the lengths in the lookup table.

array([4.5e-08, 1.0e-07, 2.0e-07, 4.0e-07, 8.0e-07, 1.6e-06, 3.2e-06,

Pass a filtered list to the current_density_plot method.

    lengths = [5.0e-08, 1.0e-07, 2.0e-07]

current density plot

Note that the tool does its best to determine how to scale the axes. For example, in the last plot, a log scale was chosen for the y-axis. We can easily overwrite that, as well as other things.

    lengths = [5.0e-08, 1.0e-07, 2.0e-07],
    y_scale = 'linear',
    x_limit = (5, 20),
    y_limit = (0, 300),

current density plot

Plotting by Expression

Now, suppose we want to plot something completely custom. The example below shows how.

    x_axis = nmos.vgs_expression,
    y_axis = {
        "variables": ["id", "gds"],
        "function": lambda x, y: x / y,
        "label": "$I_D / g_{ds} (A/S)$"

custom expression

For this example, we want $V_{\mathrm{GS}}$ on the x-axis. Since $V_{\mathrm{GS}}$ is such a commonly-used expression, it is already defined in the code. Other commonly-used expressions are also defined.

  • gmid_expression
  • vgs_expression
  • vds_expression
  • vsb_expression
  • gain_expression
  • current_density_expression
  • transist_frequency_expression
  • early_voltage_expression

For the y-axis, we want a custom expression that uses the parameters $I_D$ and $g_{\mathrm{ds}}$. This can be done by defining a dictionary that specifies the variables needed and how to calculate the required parameter. The label field is optional. The function field is also optional if we want to just plot the parameter, as shown in the example below.

    x_axis = nmos.vgs_expression,
    y_axis = {
        "variables": ["id"],
        "label": "$I_D (A)$"

custom expression

Getting Plot Data

Let's say we want to see how $V_{\mathrm{DS}{\mathrm{SAT}}}$ (the drain-source voltage required to enter saturation) compares with $V{\mathrm{OV}}$ and $V^{\star} = \frac{2}{g_m / I_D}$ in a single plot. We can generate each of these plots individually, as we did before, but ask the method to return the plot data so that we can combine them in a single plot.

vdsat = nmos.plot_by_expression(
    x_axis = nmos.vgs_expression,
    y_axis = {"variables": ["vdsat"]},
    return_result = True,

vov = nmos.plot_by_expression(
    x_axis = nmos.vgs_expression,
    y_axis = {
        "variables": ["vgs", "vth"],
        "function": lambda x, y: x - y,
    return_result = True,

vstar = nmos.plot_by_expression(
    x_axis = nmos.vgs_expression,
    y_axis = {
        "variables": ["gm", "id"],
        "function": lambda x, y: 2 / (x/y),

The result is returned in a tuple in the form (x_data, y_data). We can then make any custom plot using matplotlib. Nevertheless, there's a method called quick_plot() that allows you to use the same plot settings. For x and y, there are two possibilities: (1) passing numpy arrays, and (2) passing a list of the x and y values to be plotting, as shown in the example below.

    x = [vdsat[0], vstar[0], vov[0]],
    y = [vdsat[1], vstar[1], vov[1]],
    legend = ["$V_{\\mathrm{DS}_{\\mathrm{SAT}}}$", "$V^{\\star}$", "$V_{\\mathrm{OV}}$"],
    x_limit = (0.1, 1),
    y_limit = (0, 0.6),
    x_label = "$V_{\\mathrm{GS}}$",
    y_label = "$V$",
    save_fig = "/home/medwatt/git/gmid/quick_plot.svg"

qucik plot

Getting Raw Values

While having plots is a good way to visualize trends, we might also just be interested in the raw value.

gain expression

Looking at the figure above, it's hard to read the exact value on the y-axis for a particular value on the x-axis, especially more so when the scale is logarithmic.

The snippet below sets gmid to a particular value, sweeps the length over a range, and calculates the gain. Even though the table does not include all of the lengths in the sweep variable, their values are interpolated using the available data. The accuracy of the result depends on how far the points are from those defined in the table.

    length = (180e-9, 1000e-9, 100e-9), # (start, end, step)
    gmid = 15,
    expression = {
        "variables": ["gm", "gds"],
        "function": lambda x, y: x / y

array([171.89462638, 244.7708084 , 303.40565751, 331.66760623,
       351.82406495, 370.72068061, 390.86449014, 403.27318566,

The retuned data can then be used, for example, to make a plot of intrinsic gain vs. length.

Naturallu, we can also return a single value.


Note: The lookup method only works when the relationship between $x$ and $y$ is given by a function. If the data in the lookup table does not define a function, you can try using the slice_independent parameter to extract the part where a function between $x$ and $y$ can be defined.

Lookup Methods

In the preceding sections, only one source was allowed to vary while the other two were fixed. This is fine for simple plots.

Suppose we want to see the dependence of $I_{D}/W$ on $g_m / I_{D}$ for different values of $V_{DS}$. This is only possible by varying two sources at a time. Plots of this nature require the use of the entire lookup table. This can be done using the lookup method, as shown in the snippet below, where the secondary variable is vds.

x = nmos.lookup(
    length = 180e-9,
    vsb = 0,
    vds = (0.2, 1, 0.3), # (start, end, step)
    vgs = (0.1, 1, 0.01),
    expression = nmos.gmid_expression,
    primary = "vgs"

y = nmos.lookup(
    length = 180e-9,
    vsb = 0,
    vds = (0.2, 1, 0.3),
    vgs = (0.1, 1, 0.01),
    expression = nmos.current_density_expression,
    primary = "vgs"

    x_limit=(5 ,20),
    y_limit=(1, 100)

quick plot

If the above code seems a bit too much, there's a wrapper method just for that with added benefits.

    vsb = 0,
    vds = (0.2, 1, 0.3),
    vgs = (0.1, 1, 0.01),
    x_axis_expression = nmos.gmid_expression,
    y_axis_expression = nmos.current_density_expression,
    primary = "vgs",
    x_eng_format = True,
    y_eng_format = True,
    y_scale = 'log',
    x_limit = (5, 20),
    y_limit = (1, 100),

plot by sweep

The plot_by_sweep method is extremely flexible and can be used to create all sorts of plots. For example, the snippet below shows how to plot the traditional output characteristic plot of a MOSFET.

    vsb = 0,
    vds = (0.0, 1, 0.01),
    vgs = (0.0, 1.01, 0.2),
    x_axis_expression = nmos.vds_expression,
    y_axis_expression = {"variables": ["id"]},
    primary = "vds",
    x_label = "$V_{DS} (V)$",
    y_label = "$I_D (A)$",

output characteristic


  • Parsing the output from hspice is done using this script.

  • If you find this tool useful, it would be nice if you could acknowledge it.


Python script for generating lookup tables for the gm/ID design methodology and much more ...


Language:Python 100.0%