kahst / BirdNET

Soundscape analysis with BirdNET.

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Additional documentation and Raspberry Pi 4 installation

mcguirepr89 opened this issue · comments

Hello and thank you so much for BirdNET. I have forked BirdNET as a systemd service for aarch64 machines and put together an interactive installer with a mediawiki. The Wiki covers using a Raspberry Pi 4B. It is still a work in progress, but I wanted to share it with you and the others and say thank you!

@kahst I wanted to also share that I have put together a companion system for the BirdNET-Lite repo that is also meant for Raspberry Pi 4B installation. It has really wonderful results so far (especially for those of you not in North America 😸).

Fantastic work! Thanks for your efforts.

I'm currently working on an updated version of the model, hope you'd be able to include that in your repo as well.

Happy to see all the different use cases you implemented!

I'll continue keeping an eye on the project and will definitely do my best to keep my project up to date with the newest BirdNET. I'm very excited to test out the new model when it is ready. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help out ~~ My best regards

Thank you very much for this! I was actually thinking about installing BirdNET-Lite on my RasPi, but now i might go with your installation of BirdNET.
I am not really sure which would be the differences between BirdNET and BirdNET-Lite. Can you explain?


That is excellent and just what I was looking for!
I have followed your guide and managed to install everything on a RPi4B 8Gb RAM and it works out-of-the-box with an arbitrary USB audio interface that was on my desk and a DIY electret mic :-). Also installed Anydesk on the RPi to have full control.

Thank you very much for providing this marvellous piece of work!

@kahst: Stefan, great to hear you are working on a refined model! I would be very interested to test that out. Will it also have all the species from the BirdNET-Lite model? Specifically, I would be interested in a model for European species, and more specifically the owls.

Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so glad that you've had success with the Raspberry Pi 4 installation.
I would really love to add you to my list of where BirdNET-systems are listening if you're open to that.
I hope you keep an eye on the project for new features. I would certainly always love to hear any suggestions you might have for new features or how to make it better once you've been able test it out.
If it is alright, may I also add this kind GitHub comment to my Wiki as a part of an eventual collection of testimonials that I hope will encourage folks who feel unsure about tech/computers/linux to feel capable of building a BirdNET-system of their own? I can decouple your github handle from the comment, if you'd like. -- My best regards
Thank you again for everything and for keeping these links to my fork visible --


I am really excited to have this working, super easy to install and very promising performance. Now, I have some more detailed feedback for you with the aim of 1) helping to improve the installation process, 2) improving the flexibility in performance (more settings needed) and 3) a handful of suggestions for new features. How can we handle this? Do you want me to post it here?

Yes, you can add me to the geographic list of BirdNET-systems: Frank DD4WH, University of Applied Sciences HTW Dresden, Germany. However, not yet started as a longterm monitoring system, but still in an early experimental stage.

Short feedback: Installation went flawlessly on a RPi4B 4Gb. Testing will have to wait until the microphone arrives. So far very happy, thanks very much for that, awesome work. Device will be listening in Finowfurt, Schorfheide, Germany

@DD4WH Let's move this conversation over to my fork's discussions page. Feel free to comment there in whatever format makes the most sense for the subject. Also, I re-wrote the installation process yesterday and tested it out with great success, but need to rewrite parts of the README.md to reflect the changes, so you might want to take a look at (or test out) the 'rpitesting' branch to see what changes will be coming to the installation process (likely later today after a bit more testing).

@nilspupils I am sorry I was not able to provide any feedback regarding your question between BirdNET and BirdNET-LITE, but I am so very glad to hear that you are on the road to success! And thank you for the location info -- please shoot me a message on my fork's discussions page when your microphone has arrived and you've been able to get things running and I'll add you to the list :)


my suggestions / ideas for BirdNET-system