kahlai / prom_exporter

Quick and dirty way to export data from prometheus as csv format

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Promethues CSV Exporter

This code allow user to query to prometheus API in openshift and translate the json message to CSV format.

Run locally using docker

oc login

TOKEN=$(oc whoami --show-token)
API_ADDR=$(oc get route prometheus-k8s -n  openshift-monitoring --no-headers |  awk '{print "https://"$2}')

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e TOKEN=$TOKEN -e API_ADDR=$API_ADDR quay.io/kahlai/prom-exporter:v4

Deploy to Openshift (Option 1)

oc login

oc new-app quay.io/kahlai/prom-exporter:v4
oc expose service/prom-exporter

NAMESPACE=<project namespace you going to deploy to>

oc create sa $SERVICE_ACCOUNT

oc create clusterrolebinding $SERVICE_ACCOUNT --clusterrole prometheus-k8s --serviceaccount $NAMESPACE:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT

oc patch deploy prom-exporter -p "{\"spec\" : {\"template\": {\"spec\" : {\"serviceAccount\" : \"$SERVICE_ACCOUNT\"}}}}"

Deploy to Openshift (Option 2)

oc login

TOKEN=$(oc whoami --show-token)

oc new-app quay.io/kahlai/prom-exporter:v4 -e TOKEN=$TOKEN
oc expose service/prom-exporter

Note : Token will expire in option2


Launch in Codeready Workspace https://workspaces.openshift.com/f?url=https://github.com/kahlai/prom_exporter.git

Running the application in dev mode

You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using:

export TOKEN=$(oc whoami --show-token)
export API_ADDR=$(oc get route prometheus-k8s -n  openshift-monitoring --no-headers |  awk '{print "https://"$2}')
./mvnw compile quarkus:dev

Package the application as docker image

mvn clean package -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true -Dquarkus.container-image.build=true


Quick and dirty way to export data from prometheus as csv format


Language:JavaScript 97.9%Language:Java 1.4%Language:HTML 0.7%