kaelhem / avrbro

A tool to upload .hex files on Arduino boards with Serial API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

To import the module

Clemenard opened this issue · comments

I tried to run your sample code, but when i run
import avrbro from 'avrbro';
i get some error :
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "avrbro". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../".
VSCode give me that hint when i check the problematic line :
Le fichier de déclaration du module 'avrbro' est introuvable. 'c:/wamp64/www/myProject/node_modules/avrbro/dist/avrbro.js' a implicitement un type 'any'. Essayez 'npm install @types/avrbro' s'il existe, ou ajoutez un nouveau fichier de déclaration (.d.ts) contenant 'declare module 'avrbro';',
but theses two solution don't work.

Any idea?

to run the sample code, all you need to do is :

  • clone the repo
  • cd into the 'avrbro-master' directory
  • launch a webserver from this point (like https://www.npmjs.com/package/serve for exemple, it's really easy, with this one you just type serve in the terminal)
  • use chrome (because it's chrome only AFAIK) and activate the experimental feature named #enable-experimental-web-platform-features

and it should works.

Let me know if these steps are not working for you.

These steps are for running the sample given in the sample directory.
If you want to import avrbro into you project, you need to import it via npm i avrbro --save. Did you do this ?
What's your setup ? I used it in a create-react-app project few months ago, I don't have time right now, but I will check if it works over the week end. Tell me if you have some results...

I aim to use it for https://fr.vittascience.com/arduino, who is coded in javascript+jquery. I encountered that bug while pasting the sample code in my file managing serial api interactions, after using npm i avrbro --save.

I'll try first your steps to run the demo, thanks

OK. If you don't transpile your code with babel or a similar tool, I think you can import the script with old good fashion.
just include it in your html like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/node-modules/dist/avrbro.js"></script>

Then avrbro should be available as a global var.

I understand my problem now.
When calling import avrbro from 'avrbro'; it was searching a file ../avrbro/dist/avrbro.js
In your sample.html the path is .. /avrbro/dist/avrbro.m.js
After changing it it works, thanks for the help

Glad to hear that!