kadirahq / meteor-dochead

Isomorphic way to manipulate document.head for Meteor apps

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

non-English characters get translated differently in title tag

awsp opened this issue · comments

I was trying to insert some non-English characters into the title tag, Characters displayed correctly without errors, but in the source code, they get translated into some unrecognized characters. (Looks like some escaped UTF8 characters)

For example,


Gets translated into this


I already put the meta tag with charset set to utf-8, but source code still remains the same
see my forked repo: https://github.com/awsp/hello-react-meteor

I would like it to be exactly the same as the title I input.
How would I possibly do it?

The body content being processed by the package flow-router-ssr displays non-English characters correctly even in source code. It seems to happen in <head> tag only.

This issue seems to happen in meta tag as well.

Yeah! Seems like something to investigate. Let's check.

Thanks for your reply.
I found this article might look somewhat similar, hope it helps.

To decode, maybe we can use this?

But I have no idea how to yet apply to this issue.

Ok, I think I have located where the issue is.
It is actually in the flow-router-ssr package,

Is it possible to change to the follow?
In that case, it would not encode anything in <head> including title and meta.

var $ = Cheerio.load(data, {
  decodeEntities: false

Yeah! I think that's the issue.
Could you send me a PR for that project?
