ka0un / DiscordLeaderboards

Create Minecraft Leaderboards with PlaceholderAPI and Post it to Discord Via Webhooks or DiscordSRV

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add spicord support pls

Luisitohh opened this issue · comments

I ask for spicord support because it is a plugin that can go on a bungeecord or spigot and it does not consume anything, it is enough to turn on a discord bot for any plugin, and DiscordSRV is very heavy even if I disable some options the plugin is still heavy for what needed.

Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/spicord.64918/


Thank You for Suggestion
IF this reached more that 5 thumbs ups ill add that to the plugin


Suggestion Accepted - Will be implemented in future
Check Status : https://trello.com/b/3nEM0ADF/dleaderboard