k8snetworkplumbingwg / network-resources-injector

A Kubernetes Dynamic Admission Controller that patches Pods to add additional information.

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Downward API Injection: Multiple containers in pod don't work

Billy99 opened this issue · comments

If there multiple containers in a pod that need Downward API fields injected, it doesn't work. There is logic in code that only looks at pod.Spec.Containers[0].

@Billy99 Can I work on a PR for injecting podnetinfo into multiple containers ? Please let me know.

@pperiyasamy Yes, I have not started and won't have time in the near term. While you are looking at logic to walk through the list of containers, may be easy to add logic to address #43 as well (but your call).

@Billy99 since PR #51 is merged now, can we close this issue ?

@pperiyasamy Yes, tested and looks good.