k8snetworkplumbingwg / multus-service-archived


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IP table rules are not added when creating service using NAD

Rouf111 opened this issue · comments

KubeAdm cluster
Kubernetes v1.23.5
Containerd as the CRI.
Host OS image ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS.

Multus CNI is already installed, I created the Multus Service using the instructions as indicated in this link

Pods are in a running state, however, I cannot find the IPtable rules after creating the service for the NAD
So when I curl to the IP of the service it returns nothing.


Logs of the pods :

No Iptable rules are created

As a workaround; I had to first manually update the iptables and after that, it did work for the other servers which I created.

Below is the command i used
iptable-restore < var/lib/multus-proxy/iptables/8a8654ed-e7ba-46b0-89b1-87a06cfb2e16/current-service.iptables

Please fix this issue!