k32 / Lee

THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION AND NOT an extensible, self-documenting, type-safe configuration manager for Erlang

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


User stories

  • As a power user I want to configure tools without looking into their code. I want a useful error message instead of a BEAM dump when I make an error in the config. I want documentation about all configurable parameters, their purpose, default value and the type.

  • As a software designer I want to focus on the business logic instead of dealing with the boring configuration-related stuff. I want to have a ?magic:get(Key) function that always returns a value that is guaranteed to be safe.

  • As a software designer I want to work with native Erlang data types.

There are a few approaches to this conflict:

galaxy brain meme explaining how Lee absolutely crashes the competitors by utilizing reflection of dialyzer type specs

This library does implement ?magic:get/1 function.


  • Configuration validation (completeness, type safety)

    • Type checking uses standard Erlang types, so the type safety guarantees can be extended all the way to the code using the configuration

  • CLI arguments parser

  • Reading configuration from OS environment variables

  • Integration with OTP logger

  • Automatic syncing of the configuration with the OTP application environment

  • Multiple storage backends for configuration data to choose from:

    • persistent term

    • mnesia

    • regular map

    • add your own

  • Documentation generation (HTML, manpages, PDF, epub, …​)

    • Using Asciidoc or DocBook as input

  • Transactional configuration changes

    • Configuration patches are validated before taking effect

  • Automatic validation of the schema (meta-validation)

  • Extensive plugin support (in fact, every feature mentioned above is implemented as a plugin)

  • …​All in less than 3000 lines of code

Example model

Get a taste of what Lee configuration specification looks like:

model() ->
   #{ logging =>
       #{ level =>
            {[value, os_env, cli_param, logger_level],
             #{ oneliner    => "Primary log level"
              , type        => lee_logger:level()
              , default     => notice
              , cli_operand => "log-level"
        , default_handler_level =>
            {[value, os_env, logger_level],
             #{ oneliner       => "Log level for the default handler"
              , type           => lee_logger:level()
              , default_ref    => [logging, level]
              , logger_handler => default
   , listener =>
       {[map, cli_action, default_instance],
        #{ oneliner     => "REST API listener"
         , key_elements => [ [id] ]
         , cli_operand  => "listener"
         #{ id =>
              {[value, cli_param],
               #{ oneliner    => "Unique identifier of the listener"
                , type        => atom()
                , default     => local
                , cli_operand => "id"
                , cli_short   => $i
          , port =>
              {[value, cli_param],
               #{ oneliner    => "Listening interface/port"
                , type        => typerefl:listen_port_ip4()
                , default_str => ""
                , cli_operand => "port"
                , cli_short   => $p

Business logic can access values from this model like this:

LogLevel = lee:get(?MY_STORAGE, [logging, level]),
%% List listener IDs:
Listeners = lee:list(?MY_STORAGE, [listener, {}]),
%% Get parameters for a listener with ID='local':
{IP, Port} = lee:get(?MY_STORAGE, [listener, {local}, port]),

where ?MY_STORAGE is a static term explained later.

Note that this function returns the value straight away, without wrapping it {ok, …​} | undefined tuple because Lee guarantees that the configuration is always complete.


Type reflections

As advertised, Lee configuration is fully aware of the Dialyzer types. Lee relies on typerefl library to reify types.

Model nodes

Note: we use word "model" as a synonym for "schema" or "specification".

Model is the central concept in Lee. Lee models are made of two basic building blocks: namespaces and nodes. Namespace is a regular Erlang map where keys are atoms and values can be either nodes or other namespaces.

Leaf node is a tuple that looks like this:

{ MetaTypes      :: [MetaType :: atom()]
, MetaParameters :: #{atom() => term()}
, Children       :: lee:namespace()

or this:

{ MetaTypes      :: [atom()]
, MetaParameters :: #{atom() => term()}

(The latter is just a shortcut where Children is an empty map.)

MetaTypes is a list of behaviors associated with the node.


Metatypes are the meat and potatoes of Lee: they define the behaviors associated with the node. Every feature, such as type checking or CLI parsing, is handled by one of the metatypes. Metatypes are defined by the Erlang modules implementing lee_metatype behavior which defines a number of callbacks invoked during different configuration-related workflows.

Example metatypes:

  • value denotes a configurable value that can be accessed using lee:get/2 function. It defines type and default value.

  • map denotes that the node is a container for child values.

  • app_env allows to sync values defined in the Lee schema with the OTP application environment.

  • os_env reads configurable values from the OS environment variables.

  • cli_param, cli_action, and cli_positional read configurable values from the CLI arguments.

  • logger_level automatically sets logger level.

  • default_instance automatically creates the default instance of a map.

  • …​

And of course users can create custom metatypes.


MetaParameters field of the node is map containing arbitrary data relevant to the metatypes assigned to the node. There are no strict rules about it. For example, value metatype requires type metaparameter and optional default parameter.


Metatype callback modules validate correctness and consistency of the Lee model itself. This process is called meta-validation. For example, value metatype checks that value of metaparameter default has correct type.

Model compilation

Lee models have a nice property: they are composable as long as their keys do not clash, so they can be merged together.

Model modules should be compiled to a machine-friendly form before use using lee_model:compile/2 function:

lee_model:compile( [lee:base_metamodel(), lee_metatype:create(lee_cli)]
                 , [Model]

It takes two arguments: the second argument is a list of "raw" models to be merged, and the first one is a list of terms produced by applying lee_metatype:create function to each callback module used by the model. Most common metatypes such as value and map are contained in lee:base_metamodel() function.

Data storage

Lee provides an abstraction called lee_storage that is used as a container for the runtime configuration data. Any key-value storage (from proplist to a mnesia table) can serve as a lee_storage. There are a few prepackaged implementations:

  • lee_map_storage the most basic backend keeping data in a regular map

  • lee_persistent_term_storage stores data in a persistent term tagged with the specified atom

  • lee_mnesia_storage uses mnesia as storage, reads are transactional

  • lee_dirty_mnesia_storage is the same, but reads are dirty (this storage is read-only)

The contents of the storage can be modified via patches. The following example illustrates how to create a new storage and populate it with some data:


-define(MY_STORAGE_KEY, my_storage_key).
-define(MY_STORAGE, ?lee_persistent_term_storage(?MY_STORAGE_KEY)).


%% Initialization:
%%   Create the model:
{ok, Model} = lee_model:compile(...),
%%   Create am empty storage:
?MY_STORAGE = lee_storage:new(lee_persistent_term_storage, ?MY_STORAGE_KEY),
%% Initialize the config. This will read OS environment variables, CLI
%% arguments, etc. and apply this data to the config storage:
lee:init_config(Model, ?MY_STORAGE),


%% Modify configuration in the runtime:
Patch = [ %% Set some values:
          {set, [foo], false}
        , {set, [bar, quux], [quux]}
          %% Delete a value:
        , {rm, [bar, baz]}
lee:patch(?MY_STORAGE, Patch)

lee:patch function first applies the patch to a temporary storage, validates its consistency, and only then transfers the data to ?MY_STORAGE.


Lee helps to generate user manuals using Docbook as an intermediate format. (You don’t have to write any DocBook by hand, though)

In the simplest case, it is possible to embed docstrings directly into the model:

#{ foo =
      #{ oneliner => "This value controls fooing" %% Very short description in plain text
       , type     => integer()
       , default  => 41
       %% Long description in DocBook format:
       , doc      => "<para>This is a long and elaborate description of
                      the parameter using docbook markup.</para>
                      <para>It just goes on and on...</para>"

oneliner is a one-sentence summary, and doc is a more elaborate description formatted as DocBook. Lee does the job of assembling an intermediate DocBook file from the fragments.

Also element with doc_root metatype containing information about the application itself should be present somewhere in the model:

#{ '$doc_root' =>
       #{ oneliner  => "The ultimate self-documenting frobnicator"
        , app_name  => "Frob"
        , doc       => "<para>Long and elaborate description of this
          %% Name of executable:
        , prog_name => "frob"

(Note: location of doc root node doesn’t matter, but there should be one and only one node with doc_root metatype).

Why DocBook

DocBook is not the most popular or concise markup language, but it was chosen as an intermediate format because of the following properties:

  • It’s the easiest format to assemble from small fragments

  • Erlang has great support for XML out of the box

  • It’s easy to validate programmatically, thanks to the XML schema

    • It’s easier to integrate spell checking

  • It’s whitespace-insensitive. Given that the docstrings may come from string literals embedded into Erlang code, formatting of the source code should not affect the resulting documents. Also it generally focuses on structure rather than representation, which is useful for extracting a diverse range of formats from HTML to manpage.


Embedding documentation into code as XML works in simple cases, but it doesn’t scale well. In a large project it’s preferable to keep documentation separate, and use a less verbose format.

Lee supports AsciiDoc as an alternative format. lee_asciidoctor module allows to "enrich" the model with the docstrings extracted from an external source, see example.


The job of lee_doc module is to produce a docbook XML file. This can be done with XSLT stylesheets:

Makefile gives an example of how to integrate these tools into the build flow.


This library is named after Tsung-Dao Lee, a physicist who predicted P-symmetry violation together with Chen-Ning Yang.

Design goals


TL;DR: getting values from config should be very fast, but updating and validating config may be slow. It should be possible to use lee:get function in hotspots.


THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION AND NOT an extensible, self-documenting, type-safe configuration manager for Erlang

License:The Unlicense


Language:Erlang 99.0%Language:Makefile 0.9%Language:Shell 0.1%